CELEBRITY and SECRETS don't go together. The bastards will get you in the END.
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I THOUGHT that some of my best RECORDS was when there wasn't a LOT of work being done on it, like 'Winter in AMERICA' and 'Secrets' and when there weren't a whole lot of people in the studios.

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We TRY and be as OPEN as we can, and to PROTECT the SECRETS that we MUST protect.

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If you know SOMEONE's SECRET, what power does that give you? How MUCH power does that really give you? What can you do with SECRETS?

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In a CAREER of trying to pry secrets, gossip, specificity and truth out of media executives, Ailes has been the most FORTHCOMING, personal, COMPELLING and HONEST I've EVER dealt with.

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I have LOADS of SECRETS to TELL all the TIME.

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In BOXING, there's no more secrets today. TECHNOLOGY is such that you know everything about EVERYONE.

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Alec isn't GOOD at keeping SECRETS from me! He told me beforehand that he was GOING to propose. I really LOVE that about him, that we have no secrets.

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To PEOPLE, SECRETS are only SCARY when they're secrets. Once you let the SECRET out, it's not so scary ANYMORE.

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It's so easy to PLAY us guys that I hate to give away secrets to women because I know they'll use them. But OK, if you just simply don't give a guy the TIME of day, every once in AWHILE, it just makes us more LIKE 'What do we do?' Men are developed to conquer. When we can't seem to conquer, we stay in it no matter what.

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There are so MANY SECRETS in our WORLD.

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I'm a pretty BAD liar, and I'm not very good at KEEPING SECRETS.

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One exercise I always do when I'm GETTING to KNOW a character is ASK her to tell me her SECRETS. Sit down with a pen and paper, and start with, 'I never told ANYBODY...' and go from there, writing in the voice of your character.

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