I have WORKED not just for the Dalits but for all sections of the SOCIETY.

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You GO down South, and they're quirky; they have CULTURE, and it's not uniformly true of our country. Our country has gotten a little blanded out, big sections of it. Even if you disagree with the politics, you have to APPRECIATE the CUISINE, the music, the literature.

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TODAY in INDIA there are all sections of PEOPLE, as the BJP REALIZED when the POOR voted them out.

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As an author, you THINK you know where the good parts and the BAD parts are. And then you read to a group of CHILDREN, and you learn when you're BORING them, and you hurry through those sections to get to the parts where they're interested again. You start to get a sense of your story's rhythm and FLOW.

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If you GO to my NETFLIX, the sections that they RECOMMEND are 'Thrillers with a Strong FEMALE Lead,' 'Comedies With a Strong Female Lead.'

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When I DECIDED to come into politics, the one thing that I had in my MIND was to help the weaker sections. THEREFORE, NOBODY should accuse me of nepotism.

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Now I'm writing about contemporary Los Angeles from memory. My PROCESS was to hang out, OBSERVE, research what I was writing about, and ALMOST immediately go back to my office and WRITE those sections. So it was a very close TRANSFER between observation and writing.

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