The hardest job KIDS face today is LEARNING GOOD MANNERS without seeing any.

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My interest is in turning over a rock and SEEING what's underneath. It's a personality TRAIT more than anything; it's what made me WANT to become a crime REPORTER, EVEN though I was not suited for it personality-wise.

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After spending time with the rescued turkeys at Farm Sanctuary's shelter and seeing how SIMILAR they are to my furry companion animals at home, I knew I needed to do everything in my power to PROTECT these friendly and CURIOUS BIRDS from the daily pain and suffering they endure on factory farms.

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When I'm singing, I can SEE so many PEOPLE, and I can see their response and everything. And being somewhere like the Hollywood BOWL, I'm seeing those immediate people in FRONT of me, but other than that, it's just dots, and I'm just imagining who's out there and imagining their responses.

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I am into nature and SEEING whales. I went whale-watching, and I was REALLY looking forward to that, but when you see it on TV and you see other programs do it, you're seeing close-ups of these MASSIVE creatures, and the music that's added GIVES you a certain feeling.

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The LIFE of a man consists not in seeing visions and in dreaming dreams, but in ACTIVE charity and in WILLING service.

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It's WEIRD watching games and being apart from it but seeing teams that COULD use you in certain situations. You SEE where you could help different CLUBS in different ways.

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I just thank God my husband and I FOUND each other before the advent of social media. I can't IMAGINE dating someone and seeing what they're doing on their Facebook PAGE. And people breaking up with each other over texts now? We had to break up with each other FACE to face back then.

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A woman in Mexico wanted me to heal her. But I can't heal anybody. I just PUT my HAND on her and SAID, 'Thank you for seeing the film.'

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The THING I like about ASTRONOMY is being outside at night and seeing the STARS in a DARK sky. It makes you feel small.

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Ours is the century of enforced TRAVEL of disappearances. The century of PEOPLE helplessly seeing others, who were CLOSE to them, DISAPPEAR over the horizon.

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We are TIRED of being BEATEN by policemen. We are tired of seeing our people locked up in jails over and over again. And then you holler, 'Be PATIENT.' How long can we be patient?

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COMMON sense is the knack of seeing THINGS as they are, and doing things as they OUGHT to be DONE.

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There's NOTHING more confirming in your LIFE than looking in front of you and SEEING some REALLY amazing people who you care a lot about who care a lot about you.

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