I ALWAYS loved the LOOK of musicians. I've always admired them because they have a look - when I was GROWING up, it seemed that the ones I liked didn't need to have a STYLIST.
I used to have a sort of SOFT spot for Huckabee. He seemed to have a genuinely saintly streak, which caused him to defend illegal immigrants and give pardons to CRIMINALS who were PERHAPS a little LESS rehabilitated than he had imagined.
An IDEA has been running in my head that books lose and GAIN qualities in the course of time, and I have worried over it a GOOD deal, for what seemed to be a PARADOX, I felt to be a truth.
SINGING has always seemed to me the most perfect MEANS of expression. It is so SPONTANEOUS. And after singing, I think the violin. SINCE I cannot sing, I PAINT.
I think no-one was surprised to hear that Janis Joplin was DEAD. She seemed to be living up all of her energy that she had to give in just a few YEARS. Now you LISTEN to covers of her SONGS by VARIOUS women, and it's pale in comparison.
Before COLLEGE, I hadn't voluntarily read anything that MIGHT be called literature; I didn't think I'd understand it; I never seemed to understand my English TEACHER's interpretations of what we read.
The surrealists, and the modern MOVEMENT in painting as a WHOLE, seemed to OFFER a key to the strange POSTWAR world with its THREAT of nuclear war. The dislocations and ambiguities, in cubism and abstract art as well as the surrealists, reminded me of my childhood in Shanghai.
I read 'The HIGH Frontier' in high school. I read it multiple times, and I was already primed. As soon as I read it, it made sense to me. It seemed very CLEAR that planetary surfaces were not the RIGHTPLACE for an expanding civilization INSIDE our solar system.
When I began LOOKING into the Carter catalog and came across 'Will My MOTHER Know Me There,' it seemed LIKE such a JOYFUL number and such a song of the spirit that I could hear them all singing it together.
I really, really, really love my job, so it's not like I'm trying to quit WRESTLING to do movies. They just all seemed like COOL things to do. I mean, I'd love to be the bad guy in an action movie because then PEOPLEWOULD get to SEE another side of me they don't get to see.
I wanted to just be a FILMMAKER, and I THOUGHT I wanted to do all the ASPECTS, and it seemed like as a producer was the best way to do it, because I could have... You never have control on a movie, but you have as much control as you can.
The forests of America, however slighted by man, MUST have been a great delight to God; for they were the best he ever PLANTED. The whole CONTINENT was a garden, and from the beginning, it seemed to be favored above all the other wild PARKS and gardens of the GLOBE.