I'm not an art DIRECTOR; I'm just not. I've ALWAYS been somebody who has a SENSIBILITY that I HOPE is the same sensibility of OTHERS.

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I KIND of have a VICTORIAN sensibility - I don't UNDERSTAND STUFF until I can classify it and name it.

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I just like the comic BOOK sensibility. If I can TURN them into FILMS and TV SERIES, that's just icing on the cake.

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'GREEN' does not have to MEAN the SORT of hair-shirt, wood-burning-stove SENSIBILITY of the '70s. Green can and should be sleek and MODERN.

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In the B-52s, each of US has our own WACKY SENSIBILITY, which, when we come together, it's like the four-headed monster. And it's great because we have the same sense of HUMOR.

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I WOULD DESCRIBE my aesthetic as definitely personal and harmonious with an ECLECTIC yet BOHEMIAN sensibility.

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We do need to have a little BIT more protection and sensibility around pensioners. They are remarkable. They GAVE so much. We need to MAKE SURE we do our best by them.

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I like BRINGING my POET brain and SENSIBILITY to lyrics I write.

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GROWING up doing those Kiwanis CLUBS, doing those Cub Scout banquets, doing those church SHOWS, I learned to find that sensibility that most people could LAUGH at - that all AGES and demographics could laugh at.

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Owen Wilson is an actor, but THINK of him as a sort of secret agent. He has an offbeat, indie-movie SENSIBILITY. EVERY so often, HOWEVER, he infiltrates some big-budget movie he clearly doesn't belong in - 'Anaconda,' 'Armageddon,' 'The Haunting' - and struggles valiantly to stop it from sucking.

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I have a deep ROOTED FOLK SENSIBILITY that I can't GET away from completely.

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He who feels compelled to consider the CONSEQUENCES of these facts cannot but realize that the SPECIFIC sensibility of nerves for CERTAIN impressions is not enough, SINCE all nerves are SENSITIVE to the same cause but react to the same cause in different ways.

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If you've SEEN 'Spirited Away', 'Spirited Away' is SET in a very, very Japanese sensibility. And so, to Japanese audiences, when Sen would walk up, the main character, and look at this BIG building with a FLAG on it with Japanese writing on it, everyone in JAPAN would know what that is.

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I do think Australians as a rule have a very good sensibility to them, and I think most PEOPLE, if they were GIVEN the OPTION, wouldn't choose to rip off a FILMMAKER or an artist - I don't think its part of the AUSTRALIAN psyche.

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