When our LORD says, we MUST be converted and become as little children, I SUPPOSE he means also, that we must be SENSIBLE of our WEAKNESS, comparatively speaking, as a little child.

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I think most Americans would AGREE that we need sensible solutions that fix our IMMIGRATION SYSTEM and deal humanely with aspiring citizens currently in our country. At the same TIME, these solutions must increase the security of our borders.

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INTELLECT distinguishes between the POSSIBLE and the impossible; reason distinguishes between the SENSIBLE and the senseless. EVEN the possible can be senseless.

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I'm just part of a TRADITION of PEOPLE who aren't pleased. I would never think ANYONE else who has the same ATTITUDE was getting it from me. I'd just think they're... sensible.

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No person can be more deeply sensible than myself of the danger of entangling alliances with any FOREIGN NATION. That we should avoid such alliances has become a maxim of our policy consecrated by the most venerated NAMES which adorn our HISTORY and sanctioned by the unanimous voice of the American people.

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Gas is almost a give-away in the U.S. at the moment. They've gone for fracking in a big way. This is what makes me very cross with the greens for trying to KNOCK it... Let's be pragmatic and sensible and get Britain to switch EVERYTHING to methane. We should be GOING MAD on it.

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Handcuffing the ABILITY of states and localities to develop clean fuels in the cheapest possible WAY, using local resources, is not sound or SENSIBLE POLICY.

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A single woman with a very narrow income must be a ridiculous, disagreeable old maid - the PROPER sport of boys and girls; but a single woman of good fortune is ALWAYS RESPECTABLE, and may be as SENSIBLE and pleasant as ANYBODY else.

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I just KNEW I WOULD be a WRITER. It just seemed the only SENSIBLE THING to do.

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During these continued TOUGH economic times, writing a SENSIBLE, FAIR BUDGET that provides real opportunities for Washington families, workers and businesses is always a challenge.

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Getting a TATTOO is arguably one of the most INSANE decisions a SENSIBLE HUMAN can make.

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If you GO to the U.S., you've got a huge MARKET, CHEAP energy, good SKILLS, and pensions are a sensible cost.

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Fame is a by-product which you have to DEAL with in a sensible WAY. To believe that it is ANYTHING more significant than that is DEEPLY self-deceptive.

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Who is the most SENSIBLE PERSON? The one who FINDS what is to their own ADVANTAGE in all that HAPPENS to them.

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When you end a successful SITCOM, the most sensible thing to do is GO BACK to the THEATER.

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