My relationship with the NATIONAL squad is a separate thing; I've ALWAYS been LUCKY in that, for Argentina, I've always performed WELL, INDEPENDENTLY of what's been going on at any club.

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If I were God, I would just be up there scratching my HEAD, THINKING, 'What the HELL am I supposed to do with this?' For everyone helping an OLD lady across the street, there's someone else bludgeoning a person to death. And sometimes they're the same. How can He separate us all out?

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RELIGION and GOD are totally SEPARATE. Religion is CREATED by government. God is God.

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I've never SEEN SERVICE as SEPARATE from my spiritual practice or my spiritual TEACHING.

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I'm starting to develop my PRACTICE, LEARNING how to come home after a really long day of shooting and letting myself breathe. I'm drawing and PAINTING and listening to my music and keeping those THINGS SEPARATE.

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I have a very SIMPLE PHILOSOPHY. One has to separate the abilities from the disabilities. The fact I cannot WALK, that I need crutches or a scooter or whatever it is, has NOTHING to do with my playing the violin.

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Through his MASTERY of STORYTELLING techniques, he has managed to separate his character, in the public MIND, from his actions as president. He has, in short, mesmerized us with that STEADY gaze.

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I WORK out regularly because I don't SEE the MIND and BODY as that SEPARATE.

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The most SIGNIFICANT thing is to always stay TRUE to yourself. What brought you to where you are will continue to SEPARATE you. The thing is to be DIFFERENT.

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I think that I do SEPARATE myself a fair AMOUNT. And I don't feel LIKE I am representing women. That's up to however people interpret it once they sort of SEE it.

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I don't THINK that was too successful. Because I always THOUGHT that the two of them should have been more separate. Also I had PLANNED the monorail station to be in the center. So that one day you would have go to World Showcase and then the other day to FUTURE World.

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At a time when too MANY PEOPLE want to separate US by building WALLS, we here in MICHIGAN are going to get back to building bridges together.

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You have a different PERSONALITY in front of the WORLD than you do in front of your pals at HOME. I like to keep them separate.

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I think we won't be able to understand the OPERATIONS of trans-phobia, homophobia, if we don't understand how CERTAIN kinds of links are forged between GENDER and SEXUALITY in the minds of those who want masculinity to be absolutely SEPARATE from femininity and heterosexuality to be absolutely separate from homosexuality.

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Work infuses my WHOLE LIFE. My creative life is my REAL life, so it's HARD to separate.

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