Me separating from CTE - I'm extremely HAPPY about that because a lot of GUYS WROTE me off, Jeezy included. He REALLY wrote me off.

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I do LIKE MAKING people FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE - it's separating the wheat from the chaff.

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Separating your PROFESSION from FRIENDSHIP is very DIFFICULT.

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At Coachella, I WANT to START separating how I do a big festival SET from how I do a CLUB set.

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A TRUE DEMOCRACY starts by separating STATE and BAD science.

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I'm very good at separating THINGS, and one of the things that I've ALWAYS SEPARATED is that my BUSINESS from one artist to the NEXT has nothing to do with each other.

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Since RETIRING from competitive chess, my focus is on education and organising CHILDREN's tournaments: I MAKE a POINT of never separating girls and boys, nor awarding SPECIAL prizes for girls.

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Don't TALK to me about civility when you're separating FAMILIES at the BORDER.

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