We must EMBRACE unity, not SEPARATION - SHARING, GO back to SMALL, caring communities. Unity, not separation, is what has to happen.

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Together, Apple and Walmart represent the intense SEPARATION of American LIFE into BLUE and RED, rich and poor, overpriced and undersold, hyperconnected and left behind.

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I sometimes think that when he was at Harvard Law School, Mr. OBAMA cut class the day they got to the separation of powers, 'cause he SEEMS to consider it not just an inconvenience but an indignity that, although he got 270 electoral votes and THEREFORE gets to be president, he didn't GET everything.

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Our feelings of separation from GOD will diminish as we become more childlike before Him. That is not easy in a world where the opinions of other HUMAN BEINGS can have such an effect on our motives. But it will help us recognize this truth: God is close to us and AWARE of us and never hides from His faithful children.

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The Obama administration demonstrated TIME and again a DISTURBING willingness to BYPASS the separation of powers and disregard CONGRESS as a Constitutional watchdog.

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To be clear, I abhor the separation wall. It is an eyesore in itself and MAKES tangible the FAILED DIPLOMACY and CRUEL short-sightedness that causes such misery in the region. No Palestinian can see that wall and not wonder if the Israelis mean it to stay there FOREVER, a constant reminder of what they never intend to change.

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Part of the way the WORK world works is not so much CREATING a separation between your work and your free time, but creating the ILLUSION of a separation between your work and your free time. Every DAY is the weekend for me, which MEANS I'm always busy.

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I do a lot of AMERICAN PLAYS. I've done a lot of Arthur Miller, Tennessee Williams and Neil Simon. I was in 'Sisters Rosensweig,' 'Six Degrees of SEPARATION,' all of that stuff. So we're very familiar with America. I did 400 performances of 'Born Yesterday.' I did 700 performances of 'They're Playing Our Song.'

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I don't KNOW that the Libertarian Party has an OFFICIAL position on the SEPARATION of CHURCH and state.

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POSSIBLY the DEFINING development of postmodern politics - naturally, an American one - is the separation of PERSONALITY from ideology. If you are likeable, or at least not disagreeable, if you can strike a personal BOND with the electorate, if you reassure rather than disrupt, it doesn't really matter what you stand for.

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The number, the industry, and the MORALITY of the PRIESTHOOD, and the devotion of the people have been manifestly increased by the total SEPARATION of the CHURCH from the state.

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The NOTION that anything can be INVENTED wholly and that these invented THINGS are classified as 'fiction' and that other writing, presumably not made up, is called 'nonfiction' strikes me as a very ARBITRARY SEPARATION of things.

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I would BRING a $100 bill, and I would SAY, 'Alright, first person' - and everybody has their iPhone - and I would say, 'First person to FIND in the Constitution the PHRASE 'separation of church and state' gets this $100 bill'... And you KNOW what - and everybody knows that, right? - that phrase isn't in the U.S. Constitution. It's nowhere.

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You're always PUTTING yourself into your work. There's no SEPARATION; it's just how you USE yourself and TRANSFORM.

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