The ADVANTAGE of working for a corporation is that it has only one message, because a PRODUCT or a SERVICE doesn't SPEAK; it's just there, and you can ADVERTISE it.

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Wealth, LIKE happiness, is NEVER attained when sought after directly. It comes as a BY-PRODUCT of providing a USEFUL service.

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I PRAY to be of SERVICE to the PLAYWRIGHT, the AUDIENCE, the other actors and my CHARACTER.

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Faith and service to others were pillars in Rev. DeBose's LIFE. I knew him as a very KIND person and an OUTSTANDING PUBLIC servant.

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I TELL my EMPLOYEES that we're in the SERVICE business, and it's incidental that we FLY airplanes.

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When I was 13, I did become a Christian. And so it was when I was 13, that I thought... I just... I REALLY saw a good EXAMPLE in Jesus and how he was just so... such a tremendous radical LOVE and SERVICE of the POOR. I just thought, 'Man, why can't we all do the same?'

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I will never WORK merely to MAKE a reputation for myself, to be POPULAR for appearances rather than for what I am. My TASK is to LEAD my country through service.

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It is the SERVICE we are not obliged to GIVE that PEOPLE VALUE most.

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I've been so BLESSED to be part of a family that has DEDICATED its life to PUBLIC service.

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If we can make great games for PS3 players... how MANY PS3 players are out there? If we can make great games for EVERYBODY, that's a much bigger SERVICE. There's no REASON I shouldn't do that.

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Whoever renders SERVICE to many puts himself in line for GREATNESS - great wealth, great RETURN, great SATISFACTION, great reputation, and great joy.

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TODAY, Web services is really about developing for the server. What it means to developers is any SET of systems services that you make a Web SERVICE you to ACCESS by any kind of device with a HIGHLY interactive client, not just a browser.
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The highest service that men may attain to on earth is to PREACH the word of God. This service FALLS peculiarly to priests, and THEREFORE, God more directly DEMANDS it of them.

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This is the great reward of service, to live, far out and on, in the LIFE of OTHERS; this is the mystery of CHRIST, - to give life's BEST for such high sake that it shall be FOUND again unto life eternal.

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I am enormously honored to be one of the spokesmen of the New Age Womens HEALTH CAMPAIGN, so you'll be SEEING me in public SERVICE announcements and public appearances supporting the campaign.

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