No, I was never one of those positive people who believes he can have whatever he SETS his SIGHTS on. I just KEPT WORKING at it.

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We're in the AGE of the SERIES, trilogy, BOXED SETS.

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I was FASCINATED by my parents as I would VISIT them on the sets. SINCE we were a nuclear FAMILY I always accompanied my parents to their shoots and I LIKED the atmosphere there.

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There is no DOUBT that the sets are unhygienic but you REALLY can't do MUCH about it because we have to shoot, come what may.

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FRANKLY, I just COME to the sets, complete my work and GO away.

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Of course there are some actors that are BETTER than others and performances that are better than others, but they're always embedded in the greater FILM. They are mediated through the work of so many other people: the DIRECTOR directs, the lighter sets the scene, the EDITORS edit, the music gets put to it.

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When we MAKE a comedy FILM, its important to have a LIGHT ATMOSPHERE on the sets so that the MOOD reflects in the film.

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There were very few TV SETS when I grew up... We could not see matches and did not KNOW too MANY players. Only Pele was a household name and he was the one most children idolised.

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As I made my WAY through 'On LINE,' the austere, stridently dogmatic, SOMETIMES revelatory exhibition 'about line' at MoMA, I found myself thinking, 'Someone please WAKE me when the seventies are over!' In the EMPIRE of curators, the sun never sets on the seventies. It is the undead decade.

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Nothing is so discouraging to an ACTOR than to have to work for LONG HOURS upon hours in brightly lighted interior SETS.

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Most filmmakers, who offer me ROLES SAY 'Johnny BHAI, come on the SETS and do what you FEEL like.' That isn't the way I like to work.

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I'm aware that if I MAKE a country ALBUM and RELEASE it, and it GETS on the Grammys, the Grammys are going to put it in the Urban category. Just my blackness automatically SETS it in there.

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I know if I react, and I want to get mad, and emotions come to the surface, I think quickly of my friends who have DIED and how they OVERCAME their struggle and used their CANCER and their lives for the betterment of mankind, and it sets me BACK in place.

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As a child I was on the sets all the time, EVEN during vacation. Had I known I WOULD be an actor, I'd have groomed and trained myself BETTER.

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As LONG as I am on the sets I am LIKE a goddess, goody-goody and nice. If there is something that upsets me or irritates me, I don't show it there. I wait till I GET HOME and DIRECT it on my family.

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