When I was still settling into being a CEO, I wasted a LOT of time driving initiatives designed to PLEASE others, ACTING as if someone wouldn't let me do what I wanted to do with Redfin.

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GETTING married in 1947 and SETTLING down in Hollywood was the REAL beginning of my CAREER.

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One of the GREAT THINGS about the 'Arrow' crew is that no one is SETTLING for what they did YESTERDAY. They're always THINKING about what they can do tomorrow.

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I think there is probably no better PERSON to aspire to emulate than STEVE Jobs and what he has done at Apple in terms of his leadership, his innovation, not SETTLING for MEDIOCRITY.

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All PEOPLES have evolved extraordinarily precise ways of SETTLING ISSUES about the THINGS that matter to them.

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I NEVER wanted a LIFE of having a NICE HOUSE, driving around, SETTLING down.

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It was CONTROVERSIAL when we were SETTLING on what the races should be in 'Warcraft 3!'

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I DECIDED to sing again after settling in Newark in 1982. I had a burning desire to sing and LOTS of ENCOURAGEMENT from my new wife, Earlene.

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I would WELCOME sitting for a year. Being able to experience what the NFL is like, settling into a new city. You get a HOUSE situated, there's marketing, there's stuff GOING on you're not used to. Being able to have a year to learn the offense, learn the SPEED of the game, and coming out in Year 2, you could focus all on football.

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A fully FIT Arjen is CAPABLE of SETTLING a GAME by himself.

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I lived in L.A., and the possibility out there is endless. I could've DONE reality TV! It was offered to me plenty of times. But that just wasn't where my heart was. If I WANTED quick FAME or quick money, I could've taken that route, but it just wasn't settling right with me.

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I run into so MANY people who also have psoriasis and SHARE the same feelings as I had. I tell them that it's about being your own boss and of not SETTLING until they find whatever it is that WORKS for them and they have their life look the WAY they want it to.

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I would LIKE to be married and have KIDS. I would like to do that... Yes, I could SEE me settling down at some POINT.

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My dad was going to graduate SCHOOL at Columbia, in NEW York, so we moved there. After he graduated, we ended up SETTLING in New York, so I grew up there.

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The QUESTION of one versus two species of African elephants isn't about SETTLING an arcane DNA argument; it's about LIFE or death for these majestic, extraordinary creatures.

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