The LABOUR party has, from the BEGINNING, been MADE up of diverse factions; that's its beauty - ASKING it to become cohesive is LIKE trying to find one shampoo that will care for the hair of everybody in Angelina Jolie's house.

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This may sound strange, but although I feel LIKE I know everything about my characters, the brand of shampoo they USE, how many cavities they have, their greatest FEAR, I don't actually SEE their faces.

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Watching Rachel Maddow is LIKE GOING to Target. You went in for milk, but you left with shampoo, CANDLES, and the entire history of the Byzantine Empire. 'I didn't need this.'

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I think anytime with your mom, whether she's famous or not, you're watching what she's doing when you're GROWING up. She also taught me the BASICS: MAKE sure you use a good moisturizing shampoo and conditioner, and then use a detangler to comb through your hair. And don't overdo the HEAT styling.

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Everybody's asking me what type of shampoo I USE, and I'm like... 4 years of buildup right here.

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I'm LIKE a connoisseur of DRY shampoo, so I'm REALLY PICKY.

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Being an ACTOR, I have to blow-dry, colour, and use all sorts of products on my hair. The best-ever 'Pantene Total Damage Care' RANGE takes care of the damage from the CORE. The shampoo and conditioner both have been LIFE savers for me and have SAVED my hair from all the damage it goes through due to the daily styling.

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I LIKE the brand BioNike for shower gel, creams, deodorant, and hair products. I also love RestivOil - it's a yellowy, ORANGE shampoo that I've USED forever because it's the gentlest on the scalp.

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