To ACT on the belief that we possess the knowledge and the power which enable US to shape the PROCESSES of society entirely to our liking, knowledge which in FACT we do not possess, is likely to make us do much HARM.

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It's very EASY for people to be critical of President Obama's FIRST term, but let's face it, he didn't exactly inherit the country in the best SHAPE.

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It TAKES a lot of discipline to become and stay champion. It also takes a lot of discipline to stop while still feeling that you're in the best physical and MENTAL shape of your LIFE, but I've always PLANNED to LEAVE the sport when I'm at the top and in good health.

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I don't CLAIM to be a PRO GAMER in any SHAPE or FORM.

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I WOULD say that one of the really special gifts about playing an athlete is that it's the best motivation you'll ever have to get in TOP shape and stay in top shape because you know that you're going to be EXPECTED to DELIVER.

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To me, form doesn't always follow function. Form has a life of its own, and at times, it may be the motivating force in design. When you're DEALING with form as a SCULPTOR, you feel that you are quite FREE in attempting to mould and shape THINGS you want to do, but in ARCHITECTURE, it's much more difficult because it has to have a function.

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I NEVER had to try as a KID to STAY in SHAPE. In a way, there was no willpower involved.

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Being FIT and being in the best shape that I can be helps me be the best MOM as WELL.

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In a long story like 'Weathercraft,' it becomes kind of convoluted. It can become perhaps difficult to REMEMBER what led up to whatever point you're at. I worried a little BIT about people being ABLE to keep the shape of the story in their heads while they were reading it, and not wonder how they got wherever they were.

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I don't think ANYBODY should be SUBJECT to any SORT of harassment in any way, SHAPE, or FORM.

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I want to leave NEW Zealand in BETTER shape than I found it. I KNOW the JOB of prime minister is not forever and I'm going to do the best I can EVERY day to make that difference.

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I can help you shape your sitcom, I can help you think about what COULD MAKE your sketch SHOW BETTER, but it won't help you get you a COMMISSION.

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I would LIKE all my FRIENDS, followers, fans and fellow travelers to know that I am fighting CANCER and will THEREFORE be taking a BREAK from performing while getting the treatment and cure. I shall of course be continuing to write music - in my world it just has to be part of the therapy - and I fully expect to be back in good shape next year.

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Novels usually evolve out of 'character.' Characters generate stories, and the SHAPE of a NOVEL is ENTIRELY imagined but should have an AESTHETIC coherence.

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You don't CHOOSE what you BELIEVE moment to moment, but CHOICES you have made do SHAPE what you COME to believe.

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