The point in history at which we STAND is full of PROMISE and danger. The world will EITHER MOVE forward toward unity and widely shared prosperity - or it will move APART.

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Certainly my PERSONALITY, my sense of humor, my OUTLOOK on life was informed by the experiences of my PARENTS and the STORIES they shared with me.

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I have a TREMENDOUS AMOUNT of gratitude to those who enjoyed my work. It's something we did TOGETHER, because I must have given them something they liked, and we SHARED it, and everybody walked away a winner. That's truly the way I LOOK at my time with the business.

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Growing up during the DEPRESSION, we didn't have much, but we had each other, we had our friends, and that was pretty much all we NEEDED. I was AWARE that some people had more, but those who did, SHARED.

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All music is escapism for me, but I LIKE the WAY that, on a GOOD night, that sense of escapism can be SHARED.

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When I was a toddler, my FATHER cut HAIR in the townhouse we had shared TOGETHER in Long Beach, CALIFORNIA, where Dad was stationed with the U.S. Navy. The buzz of clippers consistently hummed as he gave fades to his coworkers, my uncles, and my brother, but his clippers were NEVER oiled and plugged in for my head.

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Hamilton' has changed my life in so many WAYS. I really do have a FAMILY from that show. The people that I shared that STAGE with every night- they MEAN so much to me and they're so special and so talented. I'm just a fan of every single one of them and it was an HONOR to share that stage with them.

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Ideally, CONTENT should be SHARED, mixed, mashed, and reposted - it wants to flow through the Internet like water. This was the point of RSS, after all - a TECHNOLOGY that has ACTUALLY been declared dead more often than the lowly display banner.

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It's something we, guys, have all DONE. Made tapes for girls, trying to impress them, to meet them on a shared plane of aesthetics. Read them someone ELSE's poetry because they do poetry BETTER than you COULD do it, because you're too awkward to do it.

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When I got a chance, I went back and SHARED those experiences that were important to me. GEORGE Washington High, the CAMPUS at San Francisco State, and even back to Emerson ELEMENTARY school and Roosevelt Junior High. I was happy to do it, to GO back and see if all the same teachers were there.

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It wasn't that I got pinned against my locker, but I was INTENSELY aware that the things I VALUED weren't shared by anyone. Girls didn't LIKE me, and I had few FRIENDS.

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A LOT of the VALUES of millennials are SHARED by all of our generations. Who doesn't want purpose, feedback and balance?

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I got into PUNK at 17 after discovering an all-girl band from LONG Island on the INTERNET called The Devotchkas - four crazy-looking girls with fast, driving basslines and high-pitched gang vocals who shared the same dress sense as the punks I USED to eye up curiously in Camden.

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