When I interviewed Paul Bremer in his office, he had almost no books on his shelves. He had a COUPLE of MANAGEMENT books, like 'Leadership' by Rudolph Giuliani. I didn't TAKE it as an encouraging sign.

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If you CAME to my house you would not THINK an ex-footballer LIVED there. I've got nothing on the WALLS or the shelves from my time in the game.

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I bristle at the implication that only with the help of a Big SIX EDITOR does a novel LOSE its self-indulgent ASPECTS. Before the advent of self-publishing, there were plenty of self-indulgent novels on the shelves.

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My GRANDMOTHER was a PSYCHIATRIST and had shelves FULL of medical books - I was CONSTANTLY sneaking LOOKS at some of those. I was fascinated by the descriptions of illnesses and diseases.

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I don't LIKE to write about things that bore me, and that MEANS I STEER FAR clear of writing BOOKS that are just like what's on the shelves.

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VISIT any bookshop in Europe, and the shelves are filled with English novels and non-fiction BOOKS in TRANSLATION - while BRITISH bookshops stock mainly English and American works.
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I WORK in a small study on the top floor of a brownstone in BROOKLYN - it's about 75 square FEET, 11 taken up by book shelves along one wall.

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If you LOOK through the shelves of science books, you'll find row after row of books WRITTEN by men. This can be terribly off-putting for WOMEN.

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The JOKE may be that no one LIKES fruitcake, but if that were the CASE, they wouldn't appear on store shelves every holiday season!

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I IMAGINE I'm a very unusual GUY to DATE. You know, I've GOT toys on the shelves, and I've got the cars.

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My URGE at CHRISTMAS time or Hanukkah-time or Kwanzaa-time is that PEOPLE go to bookstores: that they walk AROUND bookstores and look at the shelves. Go to look for authors that they've loved in the past and see what ELSE those authors have written.

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I am SOMETHING of an aficionado of thrift STORES. In my YOUTH, I regularly searched their shelves for old books.

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