I don't THINK all BUILDINGS have to be iconic, but the HISTORY of the world has shown US that cultures build iconic buildings for their major public buildings.

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Georges St. Pierre has the best takedowns and dominant wrestling ABILITY, and he's a GREAT athlete, but he's SHOWN he can be knocked out. I think B.J. Penn is the BETTER fighter. He's the great martial artist.

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That a literature in our TIME is living is shown in that WAY that it debates problems.

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Jay-Z has kind of shown that you can GET to the very top WITHOUT WAITING, without following rules. In FACT, it's better if you don't. PEOPLE will admire you more if you break the rules.

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Today's stock MARKET actually HATES technology, as shown by all-time LOW price/earnings ratios for MAJOR public technology companies.

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The Internet has been seen in the WEST as the quintessential expression of the free EXCHANGE of IDEAS and information, untrammeled by government interference and increasingly global in reach. But the Chinese government has SHOWN that the Internet can be SUCCESSFULLY filtered and controlled.

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One should always look to the END of everything, how it will FINALLY come out. For the god has SHOWN blessedness to many only to overturn them UTTERLY in the end.

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Not one has shown an iota of fear of DEATH. They want to END this agony.

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EVERY year in Edinburgh, I END up waiting behind the curtain about to go on stage, and I have a moment of thinking, 'No one's told me what to do with this show. I've DONE exactly what I wanted. This is the biggest arts festival in the WORLD, and all these people have shown up. Aren't I lucky?' It really is AMAZING.

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There are over 500,000 registered SEX offenders across the country, and STATISTICS have SHOWN that the recidivism RATE for those criminals is high.

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One of the WORKSHOP participants had SHOWN me a single 8 X 10 photograph of a power plant where he actually was the GENERAL manager of this power COOPERATIVE. It was QUITE magical to me.

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'Entourage' is a great show, but it's FANTASY. I spent my TWENTIES in L.A. in this business, and my life didn't look ANYTHING like that. 'Big Bang' reflects a SIDE of men that is RARELY shown. We see their flaws - all of them.

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It MAY be EASILY shown, and is of no small significance, that the two great IDEAS of which the Anglo-Saxon is the exponent are having a fuller development in the UNITED States than in Great BRITAIN.

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I believe that the real EXPRESSION of your religious beliefs is SHOWN in the daily pattern of your LIFE, in what you contribute to your surroundings and what you take away WITHOUT infringing on the rights of other people.

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I THINK my LEVEL over the years has SHOWN I am IMPROVING all the time.

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