I always thought Tinker bell was really cool. I'd like to be able to shrink down to a really small size and fly AROUND to places, PLAY TRICKS on PEOPLE... you know, fairy-like stuff.

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I don't KNOW how I dealt with it. I went to a shrink.

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Sadly, far too MANY politicians in Washington lack the COURAGE to do something to FIX our problems. They are worried about the political implications of making the hard CHOICES we so desperately need to CUT spending and shrink government.

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Chips will CONTINUE to shrink, of course. We, along with other semiconductor companies, are continuing to push TOWARD the next goal of 10 nm, but going beyond 10 nm will require the DEVELOPMENT of NEW technologies, MATERIALS, and manufacturing processes that are still being perfected.

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WOMEN in general, we tend to shrink ourselves and not have as much confidence as we should in presenting ourselves and our BODY types. It's OK to be fit and HEALTHY and comfortable within your body, whatever frame you have.
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All too OFTEN our LEADERS shrink from their RESPONSIBILITIES and CHOOSE to do what is POLITICALLY expedient.

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Some artists shrink from self-awareness, fearing that it will destroy their unique GIFTS and even their desire to create. The TRUTH of the MATTER is QUITE OPPOSITE.

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I went to a shrink once, but I CAUGHT him GOING to a fortune-teller so I QUIT.

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Ahead now, I THINK you'll see the BIG nations shrink back into their own corners of the world. I'm not SAYING we'll see no international trade, but it will be nothing like the conveyer BELT from China to Wal-Mart that we've known the LAST few decades. And the prospects for conflict are very, very high.

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I think shrinks are interesting to WRITE about because you get to see what the CHARACTER chooses to reveal, and what behaviors or stances the character tries out on the shrink that MIGHT not be PART of the character's make-up OUTSIDE of that room. It's an emotional test-kitchen.

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I got problems. I freak out, go to a shrink, go through all kinds of THERAPY and STUFF, but I'm learning how to deal with it. That's why I've chosen one HOUR a night to get all of my aggressions out. to really TELL the world the way I feel.

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I have a shrink in NEW York and a shrink in ARIZONA, just in case. You NEVER know when you will have a breakdown.

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With the Internet, we can communicate instantly ACROSS the globe, but the NET also makes it POSSIBLE for us to shrink ever further into our own skins - a state of being that NEITHER suits the human temperament nor provides ground for further GROWTH.

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I lived in New York for 10 years, and EVERY New YORKER SEES a shrink.

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Health care is MUCH the same - the status quo is, by all MEASURES, failing far too MANY people - and we must not shrink from the challenge.

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