The question that stands in the foreground is not 'Do we need this technology?' No one denies the great chances and the great OPPORTUNITIES that we have in the fight against poverty, the HANDLING of climate ISSUES, the fight against SICKNESS.

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The RICHNESS of the world, all ARTIFICIAL pleasures, have the TASTE of sickness and give off a smell of death in the FACE of certain spiritual POSSESSIONS.

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When you TALK about a great actor, you're not TALKING about Tom CRUISE. His whole behavior is so shocking. It's inappropriate and vulgar and absolutely unacceptable to use your private life to sell ANYTHING commercially, but I think it's kind of a sickness.

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Stand-up comedy is a sickness. Who wouldn't want a room full of people laughing and screaming at you just because of who you are? NOTHING is as good, EXCEPT MAYBE having a baby.

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All these dismal things that are going on in the WORLD - the ISOLATION and the SICKNESS and the governments and the pollution - it's so frightful, over the WHOLE world.

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The first STAGE had been all over before the doctors even knew they were DEALING with a new sickness; it was the DIRECT REACTION to the bombardment of the body, at the moment when the bomb went off, by neutrons, beta particles, and gamma rays.

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When I see some of the PEOPLE who are glorified in magazines these days - who are so thin it's bordering on SICKNESS - I just FEEL EXHAUSTED.

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I was surprised that everyone calls it 'morning SICKNESS,' because it lasted all DAY. For me, it was even WORSE at night. During my FIRST two pregnancies, I felt so nauseous all day that I could only eat plain toast and bland foods - no proteins.

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Everything that is bad, the falling sickness - GOD SAVE the MARK - or the LIKE, should be at its worst at the full moon. I suppose because it is the leader of the stars.

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Perhaps our only SICKNESS is to DESIRE a truth which we cannot BEAR rather than to rest content with the fictions we manufacture out of each other.

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Allopathic doctors USED to LAUGH condescendingly at those who posited that psychological, emotional and spiritual factors were important contributors to the sickness as WELL as healing of the BODY.

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That is the RETURNING to God which in reality is never concluded on earth but yet LEAVES behind in the soul a divine home SICKNESS, which never again CEASES.

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GROWTH by accumulation only is SICKNESS.

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