Tip the WORLD over on its SIDE and EVERYTHING loose will LAND in LOS Angeles.

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The nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities COMMITTED by his own SIDE, but he has a remarkable capacity for not EVEN hearing about them.

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I have a SCARY SIDE of me.

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When TRUTH is on your SIDE, you don't NEED SUPPORT.

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I COULD NEVER imagine ever in my life that I'd be on the side of The Louvre.

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In an INCREASINGLY polarized WORLD, it's hard to know whom to TRUST. CNN will be the only NEWS channel that doesn't TAKE a side.

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It was when '21' CAME out. I was in LOS Angeles and my face was EVERYWHERE: on buses, on posters, on the SIDE of buildings. I didn't feel that blown away by it. I was still HUNGRY to prove myself. I realised that quite quickly, that I had to find something that challenged me from an acting point of view.

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It TAKES no more TIME to SEE the good SIDE of life than it takes to see the BAD.

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They SAY stay in the lines, but there's always something BETTER on the other SIDE.

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He who KNOWS only his own SIDE of the CASE knows LITTLE of that.

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The GRASS is always greener on the other side - until you get there and see it's AstroTurf. Symbols are never reality. Someone might have amassed material success and FAME, but that doesn't mean they're happy. So, don't go judging a PERSON's life by the COVER.

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I'm a culinary GANGSTA with a very SPIRITUAL SIDE, so when I was introduced to the 'spiritual GANGSTER' LINE, I had to have it.

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Too many PEOPLE don't LOOK at things objectively and try to SEE the facts; they instead look at them through their partisan lenses and try to figure out how to twist or spin them to FIT their own 'side.'

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I've GOTTEN used to using individual lashes as well. A LOT of GIRLS will USE strip eyelashes, but the glue comes out of each side and it gets messy. Individual lashes make your eyes look bigger and MUCH more natural.

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It all DEPENDS on which SIDE of the DESK you're SITTING on.

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