It is hard to get animals which normally pay little attention to each other to do things together. One can TEACH dolphins to JUMP simultaneously out of the water precisely because they show SIMILAR behavior spontaneously, but try to make TWO DOMESTIC cats jump together and you will fail.

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I THINK intellectualizing annoys me because it is the enemy of experience; you cannot experience the PRESENCE of God and analyze it at the same time. You can't analyze ANYTHING and experience it simultaneously.

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I'm never happier when writing than when I see gags taking shape - ideally, gags at my own EXPENSE. What I LIKE is the shuttling BACK and forth, serious into comedy and vice-versa, ideally, both in the same sentence, or even simultaneously. The best jokes are ALWAYS IDEAS in miniature.

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It doesn't MATTER how many solar panels you install if you don't simultaneously SHUT down COAL and GAS burners.

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Trump's lawyers are right that if a president does what he honestly THINKS is simultaneously in his personal electoral and the national INTERESTS, that's not impeachable, in the FOLLOWING sense: If a president cuts taxes because he thinks it will GET him reelected and it will create jobs, that's fine. That's ordinary electoral politics.

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Sticking wires into the brain is OBVIOUSLY rather crude. It's hard to do in ANIMALS that RUN around, and there is a physical LIMIT to the number of wires that can be inserted simultaneously.

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Tarzan is such a great CHARACTER in that he's very innocent and wide-eyed about the WORLD, yet he's so POWERFUL and capable. It's fun to play those qualities simultaneously in the same person.

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The idea that the largest BANKS in the WORLD would simultaneously fail, need government support, government GUARANTEES, and/or government intervention to SURVIVE was not in my range of REALISTIC scenarios.

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Ideas which have been developed SIMULTANEOUSLY or in IMMEDIATE succession in the same mind mutually reproduce each other, and do this with GREATER ease in the direction of the original succession and with a certainty proportional to the FREQUENCY with which they were TOGETHER.

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Traditionally, people have been adapting NOVELS and short stories forever. Now, they're doing it simultaneously, with an eye towards WRITING the movie before the novel has EVEN come out or been finished. It's a function of this hyper-accelerated society we live in, where everyone is TRYING to short circuit the PROCESS.

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Long ago, I was lucky enough to shoot 'Flashpoint' and 'Durham County' at the same time. It doesn't HAPPEN OFTEN in an actor's life that you GET two great PARTS simultaneously.

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I've been PLAYING both sides of the law my ENTIRE career. It's not REALLY surprising for me to be doing opposing sides SIMULTANEOUSLY. I would argue that even THOUGH my character on 'Hawaii Five-0' originated on the wrong side of the law, I'd say he's worked his way over to the good side.

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I remember I GOT an ALMA award for an ACTOR being on THREE shows SIMULTANEOUSLY.

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SIMULTANEOUSLY, the MOVIE BUSINESS now experiments with a colorblind approach to CASTING.

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AIRPORT security is a PARTICULAR bugbear. At the RISK of sounding like a GRUMPY old man, while I can see that averting terrorism is manifestly important, the measures taken SEEM, simultaneously, absurd.

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