You WANT to CREATE your own PATH, no MATTER what SITUATION you're in.

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I think it is not just the U.N. speaking, but the CONCEPT of a third party, a third party to a conflict speaking out. You KNOW, sometimes saying, 'Stop, this is enough. This cannot be allowed to happen,' gives the victims and the people who are caught in that SITUATION COURAGE, encouragement, support.

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Certainly the existence of these huge nuclear force was important for the ultimate confrontation, let's SAY, over WESTERN Europe. You just can't USE them to deal with a situation like AFGHANISTAN.

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I have a lot of DIFFERENT TRAITS to my PERSONALITY, depending on who I'm AROUND, and what the dynamic in the situation is.

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Man is made or unmade by himself. By the right choice he ascends. As a being of power, INTELLIGENCE, and LOVE, and the LORD of his own thoughts, he holds the key to every SITUATION.

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My abs are so RIPPED up they're called 'The SITUATION.'

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I think, CLEARLY, where you have a SITUATION in which the Solicitor General TELLS me, 'I cannot in GOOD faith argue a certainly legal position,' and if the president told us to argue that position, we would have to tell him, 'No, we can't do that, Mr. President.'

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In any ethical SITUATION, the thing you WANT LEAST to do is probably the right action.

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LIVE to the hilt EVERY SITUATION you BELIEVE to be the will of GOD.
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Hope is favorable and confident expectation; it's an expectant ATTITUDE that something good is going to HAPPEN and THINGS will work out, no matter what SITUATION we're facing.

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I very often have NIGHT terrors. Just think of the worst possible situation, and it's a REGULAR thing for me. I've DIED in my sleep twenty-three different ways.

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I'm not GOING to PUT myself in a SITUATION to HURT the TEAM.

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In CERTAIN areas where the MEDIA are still controlled, the changes have come to a HALT, which is a very frustrating SITUATION. I would like the changes to take place throughout China.

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A threatened NATION can REACT to uncertain DANGERS solely through administrative channels, to the truly EMBARRASSING situation of perhaps overreacting.

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I WOULD HATE to be in a situation where my entire FOCUS was obsessing around the issue of whether we're GOING to win BEST picture.

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