I work out SIX DAYS a week. Usually 45 minutes of RUNNING, then SWIMMING and weightlifting.

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Some people are tied to five hundred WORDS a day, SIX DAYS a WEEK. I'm a hesitater.

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I got RECOGNIZED more by little SWEET Italian fans in six DAYS than I've EVER been recognized in L.A. in six years.

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You WANT to be a trader, come be a trader. The DOOR's open. You want to travel six DAYS a WEEK, you want to travel the WORLD, the door's open.

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Eight shows in six DAYS can become very tiring - ACTUALLY, a grind. It's not that I EVER dreaded GOING to work because I always maintained a level of gratitude.

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I'm suggesting that, until AMERICA takes CARE of its debt, untangles the housing mess and GETS unemployment under control, we all commit to working six days a week. Yep, move the standard 35-40 hour work week right up to 48 HOURS.

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I STILL WORK out most days. When I do it, I go full blast five or six days a WEEK, two to three HOURS a day. I enjoy it. It's THERAPEUTIC for me.

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If you're going to GO to a FESTIVAL, drink WATER for SIX days before you GET there.

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I was doing a LOT of boxing through 'Lost,' thrashing a bag at least THREE DAYS a week. If I had shirtless scenes, I'd do it SIX days a week.

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Players can PLAY bad, and certainly when you have only three DAYS or six days training sessions in your legs, and you have to play 45 minutes. EVERYBODY can SAY that it's easy to step in, but it is not easy.

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I WORK on one book at a time. And yes, I am immersed. Six days a week for four to six HOURS a day. In between books, I STOP writing for as much as TWO to three months, but during that time, I do research and think, PLOT and plan the book.

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I train FIVE to six days a week, in developmental you're training in the RING and in the GYM, so that's a crazy SCHEDULE. One you get to the main you're on your own and you do what you want.

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On a movie, you OFTEN work fourteen-, sixteen-hour days, SIX days a week, for six months. It is so easy to let up because of fatigue.

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