We're all SLIGHT hypocrites who FALL SHORT of our IDEALS.

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It's odd to meet a RATHER elderly MAN who SAYS, 'I've been READING you all my life.' It MAKES you feel a slight chill.

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I GUESS there was a little bit of a slight REBELLION, maybe a little bit of a renegade desire that made me realize at some point in my adolescence that I really liked pictures that told stories of THINGS - genre PAINTINGS, HISTORICAL paintings - the sort of derivatives we get in contemporary society.

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I believe that each person can make a DIFFERENCE, but it's so SLIGHT that there's BASICALLY no POINT.

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I was really sickened with PEOPLE passing on COMMENTS that I have nasal touch while singing. Naturally, when ANYONE sings with high-pitched octaves, some notes may SLIGHT get in touch modalities with nasal, and that doesn't actually mean 'nasal singing.'

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I THINK the thing about cooking from tins for me that I really enjoyed was... the convenience of it, the slight entertainment side of it. Just the surprise of being able to crack open a couple of tins, pour them into a PAN, and 15 MINUTES later you've GOT a FANTASTIC dinner on the table.

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When people GO to the theater, people say they want something DIFFERENT, but what they really want is something the same with slight permutations. To really not know what is GOING to happen next is a HARD thing.

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And they kind of left to FIND a guitar player at the very end, so you KNOW, I don't REALLY take it as any slight that I wasn't able to play on the record. It's flattering just to play with them PERIOD.

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That's what PEOPLE EXPECT: They don't want to read a slight novel. People don't want to WASTE their time on ANYTHING less than 'great.'

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But I will just make the slight point here - I have NEVER ever bought ANYTHING online. I don't KNOW how to.

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It's really important to be free and be OPEN and honest about the things you want to do. Just 'cause you want to make a SOLO record or another record with another BAND, it doesn't have to be an INSULT or a slight to the band you've been with for a long time.

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My wife has a SLIGHT impediment in her SPEECH. Every now and then she STOPS to BREATHE.

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Even if CHANGE in a VOICE is light, and PEOPLE maybe don't NOTICE it, that slight change is, for singers, a bit of an earthquake.

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AROUND AGE 38, there was a slight change to my voice, and very much in the CENTER. That MADE it possible to start thinking about certain ROLES: Guillaume Tell, Romeo, Edgardo. These roles require a fuller center.

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The SCENE was not a happy one yet we looked upon it in the cold stoical spirit of a soldier; a slight chilling pang and then a return SOUL and BODY to the ENEMY before US.

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