When I was a lone soldier I didn't have a penny with me. EVERYBODY was eating hummus with tehina and ATE falafel, and I couldn't buy it. I was a LITTLE HUNGRY, but I managed.

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I remember in 2016 when I got signed to my RECORD label Good SOLDIER, which is a very small indie label. They took a big RISK on me because ballads were the furthest thing from cool at the TIME.

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The BRITISH SOLDIER can stand up to anything except the British War Office.

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A lot of MOVIE STARS don't want to GO to TV because of how hard you have to WORK. You have to be a SOLDIER.

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When we assumed the SOLDIER, we did not LAY ASIDE the CITIZEN.

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It SEEMS as if everybody in the country was getting impatient to get his or her PARTICULAR soldier out of the ARMY and to upset the carefully arranged system of points for retirement which we had arranged with the approval of the Army itself.

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In my village, Kharkara, 20 km from Rohtak, I would work in our fields of sugarcane, wheat and paddy while dreaming of the DAY I would JOIN the army, and receive a HERO's welcome every time I came home on leave. In our part of the world, a soldier is a star.

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'The GOOD Soldier' is an ODD and maybe even unique book. That it is a MASTERPIECE, ALMOST a perfect novel, comes as a repeated SURPRISE even to readers who have read it before.

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To me, serving wasn't uncommon, and my SERVICE paled in COMPARISON to so MANY of my FRIENDS who had done so much more. In my WORLD - as a citizen soldier - I was surrounded by other soldiers just doing their jobs.

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I THOUGHT of myself as a SOLDIER who was GOING to LAW SCHOOL.

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ASK any SOLDIER. To kill a MAN is to MERIT a WOMAN.
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The landmine is eternally prepared to take victims. In COMMON parlance, it is the perfect soldier, the 'eternal sentry.' The WAR ends, the landmine goes on killing.

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If you LOOK at what we did with 'Winter Soldier' with the CAP character in terms of BRINGING him into the modern world, trying to ground the MOVIE tonally into something that was a step toward real-world, at least to the degree you can do that in a superhero movie, that's still the tonal universe that we're PLAYING in 'Civil War.'

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Every American soldier wants as much PUBLIC SUPPORT as he can possibly have. That's the soldiers on duty in Iraq, and that's me, as well. We fight BETTER knowing that our people BACK home support US, back us, and understand what we're doing. It's hugely important.

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I get a certain FEELING when I go to Lambeau field in Green Bay. SOLDIER field in CHICAGO is SPECIAL to me. Those are the places that I really like. The stadiums.

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