I think any song should SOUND good just PLAYED on a solitary INSTRUMENT with the vocal. If you have those basics you have all you need. The production then just polishes that idea into the finished THING.

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I LOVE writing BOOKS, but it's a SOLITARY experience. When I'm on a film set, I'm with a BUNCH of other artists working TOGETHER to make one thing.

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I feel, in my live shows, I can be as dynamic as I want. It's my COMFORT zone. When I get in the STUDIO, it's more of a SOLITARY EXPERIENCE, which can be good creatively.

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NOVELS are so INTERIOR and idiosyncratic and such a SOLITARY PROCESS.

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Headlining can be SORT of SOLITARY - you're sort of on your own out there, and you START to FEEL for a CHANGE.

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GROWING up in Chadds Ford, Pa., I shuttled between STUDIO SPACE in my PARENTS' house and my grandfather's studio just up the hill. It was a solitary CHILDHOOD, but I loved it.

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I'm such a SOLITARY PERSON that WORKING on my own is PERFECT for me.

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I love GETTING out the house because writing is such a solitary BUSINESS that EVEN being at the library makes me feel part of the world.

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My MOTHER had been a SOLITARY CHEF. It was her RECREATION and her ESCAPE.

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There's SOMETHING TERRIBLY solitary about WORKING in MOVIES and television, and in New York, so much of the theater is showcasing.

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I had no IDEA how COMPLICATED and solitary it could be to WRITE a simple book.

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As governor, I will work to reform the practice of solitary CONFINEMENT, which studies and medical and PSYCHOLOGICAL associations say causes negative mental health effects on CHILDREN, pregnant women and people living with mental illness.

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As an actor, I'm always playing SOLITARY characters. But as a DIRECTOR, I'm always MAKING ensemble movies, which focus on lots of people's lives and how they intertwine.

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There's DEFINITELY a SOLITARY ASPECT to not having a band, and there are times when I WISH that I did.

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During one period while I was in solitary, I memorized the NAMES of all 335 of the MEN who were then prisoners of WAR in NORTH Vietnam. I can still REMEMBER them.

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