What's happened with computer technology is perfectly timed for someone with my SET of SKILLS. I tell stories with PICTURES. What I love about CGI is that if I can THINK it, it can be put on the SCREEN.

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If this COUNTRY wants to elect someone with no POLITICAL EXPERIENCE who is racially insensitive and golfs... In my first 100 DAYS, I will MAKE Taco Tuesday the law.

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It feels GREAT to know that SOMEONE from the YOUNGER GENERATION is FOLLOWING me.

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Being an independent inventor is tough. You DEVELOP a product, patent it, then you're looking for someone who will see the BENEFIT from this technology. You assume all the INVESTMENT and all the risk. It can be a CHALLENGE.

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It's SAD when SOMEONE you KNOW BECOMES someone you KNEW.

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You never know what's going on in SOMEONE's LIFE. You never know what's REALLY going on behind what they present.

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I also THINK a HOT MOM is SOMEONE who can connect with what's current in her KIDS' world.

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To me, LIFE is so exciting. To me, life is always TRYING to beat SOMEONE in something COMPETITIVE. It's KINDA been my whole life.

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My FATHER gave me some advice when I was very young - WHATEVER someone tells you in the FUTURE, don't FORGET Pele is the BEST.

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People always TELL you, 'Be HUMBLE. Be humble.' When was the last time SOMEONE told you to be amazing? Be GREAT! Be great! Be awesome! Be awesome!

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ANYTIME someone expects SOMETHING from me, I expect about FIVE TIMES more from myself.
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I'm an ACTIVIST. I'm a PROUD activist. So I WANT to be someone who is pro-black and pro-Africa and still be SOMEBODY that has POSITIVE influence.

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I'm not one to TAKE REVENGE. If someone does something wrong to me I LEAVE it in the hands of the universe to take care of that person.

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I'm all in favor of the DEMOCRATIC principle that one idiot is as good as one genius, but I draw the line when someone TAKES the next step and concludes that TWO IDIOTS are better than one genius.

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I think that everybody needs four things in LIFE. Everybody needs something to do REGARDLESS of age. Everybody needs SOMEONE to love. Everybody needs something to hope for, and, of COURSE, everybody needs someone to BELIEVE in.

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