Social engineering is using manipulation, influence and DECEPTION to GET a person, a trusted insider within an organization, to comply with a request, and the request is usually to release INFORMATION or to PERFORM some sort of ACTION item that benefits that attacker.

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CHESS is a GAME where all DIFFERENT sorts of people can COME together, not a game in which people are divided because of their religion or country of ORIGIN.

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A LOT of my PERSONALITY and my affinity for certain pieces of pop CULTURE and ART all stem from a sort of Japanese AESTHETIC and way of thinking.

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I'm not a religious person, and I'm not too interested in being a part of a RELIGION, but I do like having some sort of COMMUNAL GATHERING, and having some SENSE of peoples.

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EVERY LOVE STORY NEEDS a catalyst of some SORT.

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I've NEVER LOOKED at myself and SAID that I need to be a certain way to be around a certain sort of people. I've ALWAYS wanted to stay true to myself, and I've managed to do that. People have to accept that.

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I've been many people. I've been the skinny girl. I've been the FAT girl. Because I've BECOME a character actress, I sort of fell victim to 'Well, I don't have to look good ANYMORE.'

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I try to stay away from carbs, but it can GET cold in Chicago, and some SORT of fettuccine Bolognese is right up my alley. That's why I try to get to the gym as much as POSSIBLE!

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Steakhouses SORT of have this old-school nature to them; they're like museums full of good food. It's FUN hearing the waiter share his expertise on the DIFFERENT cuts of beef and how they're GOING to cut up your baked potato.

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I LIKE to weed out the people who aren't going to ENJOY me straight off the bat. If you look at all my specials, I do START more extreme and then, as I GET into it, sort of at the three-quarter mark, I normally have a bit of pathos. Is pathos the right word?

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I have a helicopter that I use for U.K. business trips, and I fly myself. I have a yacht in Antibes in the south of France, which is a sort of indulgence, as we only use it for about four weeks a YEAR. The REST of the TIME, it is chartered out to PEOPLE as a business.

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If you decide to DESIGN your own language, there are THOUSANDS of sort of AMATEUR language DESIGNER pitfalls.

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WHENEVER I was with a WOMAN, I ALWAYS SORT of want another one. So there was always another one. I can't explain this.

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I really love travelling to places where I GET to learn something new about a new group of people or a new place. Learn some HISTORY, contemplate some business ideas, and SORT of get off the beaten TRACK a little BIT.

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It simply isn't acceptable for the likes of GOOGLE, Facebook, Amazon and others, which amass DATA by the terabyte, to SAY, 'Don't worry, your information's safe with US, as all SORTS of rules protect you' - when all evidence suggests otherwise.

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