The DEMISE of Jeb BUSH has been a source of immeasurable pleasure for, WELL, nearly EVERYONE.

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On September 11 2001, AMERICA felt its vulnerability even to threats that gather on the other side of the Earth. We RESOLVED then, and we are resolved TODAY, to confront every THREAT from any SOURCE that could bring sudden terror and suffering to America.

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The Internet is a clear example of how our lives have changed in WAYS we couldn't have IMAGINED: a distributed information source, which is invisible to everyone, where you can access ANYTHING, and it's distributed throughout the whole WORLD. BASICALLY, communication is instantaneous.

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The 'sent' folder of my EMAIL program is really my biggest INSPIRATION and my biggest SOURCE of lyrics. That's where I go to PICK up a lot of the lyrics that I'm WRITING.

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I don't have a specific message for 'The Grace of Kings' and the sequels in mind other than WANTING to CHALLENGE some of the source MATERIAL I was working from as well as some of the ASSUMPTIONS of epic FANTASY.

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When a NEW SOURCE of taxation is found it never means, in PRACTICE, that the old source is ABANDONED. It MERELY means that the politicians have two ways of milking the taxpayer where they had one before.

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You've got to move us to these technologies that ALLOW us to get to the clean-energy source. If we can't work to REDUCE the cost, you're not GOING to see them implemented unless there is a path of unlimited subsidies, and that's not doable, EITHER. We can kick-start the research process, but we have to do that from a POSITION of economic strength.

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I'm not afraid to spend money on the R&D that's really going to MOVE us to a cleaner ENERGY source that I think is so much the answer to the issues of ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY and climate change.

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The safest person, sometimes, is a stranger on the Internet who lives in a different place. If they're a DAILY source of SUPPORT and advice, no one really WANTS to lose that once they have it. If they know DEEP down that the person they're talking to isn't EXACTLY who they say they are, it's not worth finding out.

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All around US, algorithms provide a kind of convenient source of authority: an easy way to delegate responsibility, a SHORT cut we TAKE without THINKING.

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TOIL is no SOURCE of SHAME; IDLENESS is shame.
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