For me ARCHAEOLOGY is not a source of illustrations for WRITTEN texts, but an independent source of historical information, with no LESS value and IMPORTANCE, sometimes more importance, that the written SOURCES.

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Most PEOPLE think of SOLAR and WIND as new energy SOURCES. In FACT, they are two of our oldest.

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If you operate under the premise that EVERYBODY already has some EXPERIENCES that could be SOURCES of empathy for them, I wonder if there's some process of coaxing people into tapping into that knowledge.

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I have been WORKING for YEARS to promote a RESPONSIBLE energy policy that works to increase energy efficiency and invest in alternative and renewable energy sources.

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The PEACOCK has BECOME one of my REGULAR sources of INSPIRATION from nature.

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I LEARN something from CRITICISM because when it comes from SOURCES you respect you ALWAYS examine it and learn.

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Diversifying our energy sources will create jobs, IMPROVE our NATIONAL security and lay the foundation for a strong, sustainable ECONOMY in the FUTURE.

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The more material there is, the more need there is for filters. You don't need a PRINTING PRESS ANYMORE, but you do need PEOPLE who know how to cultivate sources, double-check information and put the brand of legitimacy on it.

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I was a huge Beatles fan. We COULD TALK about who I listened to growing up and what my sources were, but certainly the Beatles were a late, IMPORTANT resource for me, and I just TOOK my guitar and a handful of songs, and I decided, well, I'll just go over and travel AROUND Europe and see what comes of it.

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I STILL dream about 'New YORK' mag. It's kind of weird. I dream I'm part-time, and they can't FIND a full-time job for me. It's usually that I can't find a lead, and I call all my great SOURCES and say, 'Can you HELP me out?'

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I've definitely seen that TEXAS is certainly a right-wing area politically. I think if you talk to the average Texan, some people may STILL think that alternative ENERGY is some sort of hippie mumbo-jumbo, you know. I think there's still a strong movement to continue to drill and continue to find these other sources of OIL WITHIN the country.

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Our struggle is to identify the sources of REVENUE and the MEANS to obtain the funds. Without funds, all the PLANNING and RESEARCH studies can't help us.

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My hope is that we CONTINUE to do an even better job in terms of our nation's energy policy, so that we may even further REDUCE our reliance on foreign sources of OIL and take better care of our environment in the process.

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Trump and his supporters often lambast news sources such as CNN as being the 'fake-news media' WHOSE only goal is to TAKE him down, and they're REALLY doing themselves no favors when they say things that seem to SUPPORT that.

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Mourning is TOUGH. But faith and FAMILY are the GREATEST SOURCES of STRENGTH.

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