There was a REAL fear that a euro-zone BANK MIGHT fail, that we'd have a sovereign debt problem in one of the LARGER European economies. That's dissipated, thanks largely to the action of the European CENTRAL Bank.

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But sovereign debt is a wider QUESTION not only in Europe but across the globe. While every country is a unique case, I think it's not an ISSUE of COUNTRIES acting on their own. We NEED a more coordinated STRATEGY not only in Europe but around the world.

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We fight terrorism. It threatens our sovereign, DEMOCRATIC, compassionate and decent WAY of life.

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Better talk than fight, if NOTHING of sovereign value is ANYWAY LOST. Dialogue has achieved more than confrontation in many PARTS of the world.

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I will not nullify, I will not secede, but I will under sovereign STATE AUTHORITY fight in the Union ANOTHER revolutionary CONFLICT for civil liberty, and a Union which will DEFEND it.

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Sovereign WEALTH fund MONEY should be welcomed. The only way not to WELCOME that money is when it's POLITICALLY driven.

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With nearly 20 days until IRAQ emerges as a FREE SOVEREIGN state for the first TIME in more than three decades, TERRORISTS have increasingly targeted our country's infrastructure.

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The requirement upon the SOVEREIGN to 'advise, ENCOURAGE, and WARN' means that the Queen must be well informed. The weekly audience with the Prime Minister is not to discuss the WEATHER but to talk about the most pressing problems FACING the nation. An ill-informed monarch cannot do that and would fail in a key constitutional task.

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ISRAEL is a SOVEREIGN STATE. If you decide on your capital city, we will ACT in accordance.
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We are a nation founded as a rebuke to tyranny. A nation of revolutionaries who refused sovereign REIGN from afar. HEAR me - we're a nation that SAYS give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. A nation BUILT on our differences, guided by the belief that we're all CREATED equal.

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Telecom is a dramatic SUCCESS in India and our view is, respecting the political PROCESS, and respecting the fact that these are sovereign DECISIONS, is that, approaching India as a FRIEND.

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People THINK that it's their SOVEREIGN RIGHT to download MUSIC and not have to PAY for it.

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The very idea of the law in a constitutional REPUBLIC involves the requisite that it be a rule, a guide, uniform, fixed and equal, for all, till CHANGED by the same HIGH political power which made it. This is what entitles it to its SOVEREIGN weight.

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The wall is not a bilateral ISSUE. It's not something that we discuss with the AMERICAN government. EVERY country has a sovereign right to PROTECT its BORDERS the best way that they see fit.

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In 2016, let us all join the Rising, and the only final message is this very clear: Up the Rebels. Up a SOVEREIGN and INDEPENDENT IRISH REPUBLIC.

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