Reading was not just an escape or a Band-Aid; it was a deep FORM of feeling seen and recognized, and being able to see and recognize other kindred SPIRITS. My DAD was a WRITER, too, which ALSO likely had something to do with that.
If you don't have the LOVE and support of your family, you NEED to find someone out there who you can confide in and share your concerns and WORRIES with. And someone who can lift your SPIRITS and make you feel valuable and strong and powerful.
INVESTMENT bubbles and high animal spirits do not materialize out of thin air. They NEED extremely favorable economic fundamentals together with free and EASY, CHEAP credit, and they need it for at LEAST two or three years. Importantly, they also need serial pleasant surprises in such critical variables as global GNP growth.
Until Americans feel that their core ASSET - their homes - are stabilized, they are not going to have the ANIMALSPIRITS and they will continue to have LESSBUYING power.
VAMPIRESGET the joy of flying around and LIVING forever, werewolves get the joy of animal spirits. But zombies, they're not RICH, or aristocratic, they shuffle around. They're a group PHENOMENON, they're not very fast, they're quite sickly. So what's the pleasure of being one?