I've been GETTING a bit of WRITING DONE, a bit of recording done and I just want to GET out as much new music as I can before I end up spontaneously combusting.

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DETERMINATION, energy, and COURAGE appear spontaneously when we care deeply about something. We take RISKS that are unimaginable in any other CONTEXT.

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In the family, no one is EVER pushed. I CAME to politics spontaneously; there was no OBLIGATION. It has to HAPPEN NATURALLY.

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Most people, from their second album on, FIND it MUCH harder to be as spontaneously CREATIVE as they were with their FIRST couple of records, and some people only have one thing that they do.

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I think sometimes when I sit down to WRITE a SONG, it doesn't COME out naturally, but when you are WRITING an email to someone, especially if you are writing to a stranger, you write MUCH more spontaneously, and it's freer.

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My last album as J. Tillman, 'Singing Ax,' that was really a premeditated DEATH rattle of the AESTHETIC precedent I had set. I realized I wasn't creating spontaneously; I was enforcing all these parameters. I was too self-loathing or SOMETHING, and there was this OBVIOUS dissonance between my conversational VOICE and creative voice.

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TORY SUPPORTERS are not spontaneously ashamed; they have been MADE to feel ashamed. BRITISH leftists fiercely believe they are right - in the sense of correct but also in the sense of just. Conservatives likewise believe they are right-as-in-correct. Yet Tories are less CONFIDENT about whether their politics are right-as-in-just.

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Starting in the mid-1990s, the end-to-end ubiquity of the INTERNET, combined with its cheapness, spontaneously combusted to give US Napster - a SITE that revolutionized the MUSIC industry overnight. We got P2P file swapping in the film and TV industry as well.

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If you asked me what caused aging, I WOULD say FREE radicals and molecules, which spontaneously shift and form and cause damage in all our cells and genes. The body usually repairs and replaces the damage in these genes. But as you get OLDER, the aging CLOCK turns down those defenses.

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TATTOOS are a thing I've NEVER really planned out. They just kind of happen spontaneously, on a whim. It's kind of LIKE curating a watch collection, it just kind of happens. I like it to happen organically.

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