One of the things I SAY is, 'You cannot control your spouse, but you can influence your spouse.' And one of the WAYS to influence your spouse is to MAKE SURE you are meeting their need for LOVE.

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Whether it's a spouse, family member, coworker, former classmate, or the mother of your child's best friend - you know EXACTLY what I mean. Just when you FEEL your worst and are judging yourself harshly, someone comes ALONG who seems determined to make you feel EVEN WORSE about yourself than you already do. Who needs it?

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I don't WANT to sell myself SHORT. You hurt your spouse, not so much by the INFIDELITY, but by the negative feelings about yourself that you bring home.

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What COULD be more important to the PURSUIT of HAPPINESS than the RIGHT to CHOOSE your spouse without asking a Washington politician for permission?

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The IDEA that your spouse or your parents don't know where you are at all TIMES MAY be part of the past. Is that GOOD or bad? Will that MAKE for better marriages or worse marriages? I don't know.

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The life of a congressional spouse is HARDER than the life of the MEMBER. They do all the WORK and GET none of the recognition.

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No one should be denied the OPPORTUNITY to CHOOSE his or her spouse. It is a BASIC HUMAN right and DEEPLY personal decision.

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If you're closing in on age 62 and intend to apply for a FORMER spouse's Social SECURITY benefit, don't remarry. You have to be SINGLE at the time you apply.

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It's a DIFFERENT EXPERIENCE to be with your KIDS when your spouse isn't AROUND.

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SOMETHING can happen in your life, and you MIGHT want and need something different from your spouse. Most people forget that you have to create relationships. The allure of the first years settles down, and at that MOMENT, you BETTER start creating it; OTHERWISE, you're going to lose out.
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The BEAUTY of being co-founders with your spouse is that we RUN our BUSINESS and FAMILY TOGETHER.

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I think, as human BEINGS, we try to HIDE our FLAWS and try to PRESENT this perfect person, this person we wish we were, to our spouse when that causes so many TROUBLES.

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If you're 35, 45, or even 55 - you have a very long TIME HORIZON - 40 years or VASTLY more. That is you, and/or your spouse, are likely to live about that long, and you'll be INVESTING the whole way.

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When MEN or women make their work their top priority and become hostile to the NORMAL, natural NEEDS of their CHILDREN and spouse - OBVIOUSLY, something is wrong.

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I have a GREAT spouse, Andrew Cockburn, who's ALSO a JOURNALIST.

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