Ed Miliband's anti-immigration stance is odd: it's hard to vote for a MAN who doesn't have the CONFIDENCE to DEFEND his own EXISTENCE.

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More and more POLITICAL analysts and weak-kneed politicians are advising the historically pro-life Republican Party to abandon its pro-life stance for political gain. My first response is that if you cannot trust a party on the value of DEFENDING HUMAN life, how can you trust it on issues like marginal tax RATES?

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Punk was sort of an ANGRY stance against things that had HAPPENED just before, against the pop of glam rock, against PROGRESSIVE rock. Music had become very staid and it was about the playing and people OBSESSED. Eric CLAPTON was God and we needed an enema within the art form, and punk did do that.

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It's a HEAVY feeling being in WASHINGTON. There are so MANY important issues at risk. You're in a fighting stance every DAY.

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The Tories claim that they have CHANGED. Their stance on foxhunting makes it absolutely clear that they haven't. They know the public doesn't AGREE with them. They know that this is about animal CRUELTY, PURE and simple.

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I think there are FUNDAMENTAL POWER imbalances between the sexes that play themselves out in SOCIETY. And I think SCIENCE is just not immune to that - which ACTUALLY isn't a very controversial stance if you think about it.

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I KNOW when I was a kid, I looked up to athletes. So, if an athlete SPOKE out on an IMPORTANT issue, then I was probably more likely to hear that opinion and to see that stance and RECOGNIZE the importance of that.

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SOUTHERN conservatives care about government's moral stance but don't mind when it spends freely on behalf of their constituents. Western conservatives, by CONTRAST, are soft-libertarians who WANT government out of people's way on principle.
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It's almost sickening now that the regulators 'on the BEAT' while the BIGGEST CREDIT collapse in MODERN FINANCIAL history unfolded are now patting themselves on the back for their 'brave' stance on short-selling!

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The TENSION between Stephen's atheistic stance and my FAITH always EXISTED, but neither of US tried to convert the other. I am not evangelical.

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I will always have DOGS in my LIFE, and I absolutely can't be with SOMEONE who will CHALLENGE that or disagree with that stance - I will not budge on this, ever.

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My district REALLY wanted me... to TAKE a HARD stance against a Donald Trump AGENDA.

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In my EXPERIENCE, it's common that deep TRUTHS exist at both extremes of a dialectic, and the WISEST stance on an issue will incorporate 'both of the opposites WITHIN itself.'

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Obviously, I can always GET better on DEFENSE, improve intensity, my willingness to be locked in and stay in a stance, all that STUFF is great, but I feel like playmaking, for myself, not only to create shots for myself but to create shots for others, BENEFITS everybody.

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Especially in WIND, each SHOT and stance can feel different, so it's important to FIRST get COMFORTABLE.

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