But the PROBLEM is that when I go around and speak on campuses, I still don't get young men STANDING up and saying, 'How can I combine CAREER and FAMILY?'

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I've worked for everything I've had, and I can't think of a better way of USING it than STANDING up for what's RIGHT, and what's REQUIRED to build a better SOCIETY.

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Since I was a TEENAGER I have been STANDING up to antisemitism, racism and DISCRIMINATION in all its forms.

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The imperialists SEE EXTREMISTS everywhere. It's not that we are extremists. It's that the world is waking up. It's waking up all over, and PEOPLE are STANDING up.

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I THINK standing up for facts and DECENCY is IMPORTANT, and we should've DONE more of it back in 2015 and 2016.

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If someone says something to me, I am not GOING to BACK down. Whether it's DEFENDING myself or standing up for one of my TEAMMATES, that is the WAY I play the game.

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You can be non-judgmental, but you don't WANT to be non-discerning because, remember, the force of EVOLUTION is the conversation, you know: TWO truths standing up to each other in conversation, and the best TRUTH emerges, and the best truth prevails.

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For every negative comment you see on social media based upon STANDING up for SOMETHING, there's somebody from BACK home that's telling me, 'Hey, I'm proud of you, man. Continue to do what you're doing.' Of course, you don't do it for that, but sometimes it's TOUGH, man.

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When you SIT there, and you SING the chorus - and then you LOOK at each other, and everybody has the HAIR standing up on their arms - then everybody knows you've stumbled ONTO something.

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I can sleep ANYWHERE. I can FALL asleep STANDING up, LITERALLY anywhere.

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I think the THING that I admire about Rick Santorum is that he hasn't backed down or apologized one BIT for his personal religious VIEWS, for STANDING up for social conservative values.

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So now is the time, more than EVER, for those who truly VALUE all the PRINCIPLES of DEMOCRACY, especially including DISSENT, to be the most forceful in speaking up, standing up and speaking out.

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I don't LIKE doing stand-up, because I don't like STANDING up.

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For all these internet fans out there that want to hate ROMAN Reigns and say, 'No, we're STANDING up because we don't LIKE him...' Few people in the history of this business WALK into an arena and everybody STANDS on their feet - everybody.

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What snowboarding has always had and the Olympics has not touched is that spirit, that original spirit of CREATIVITY and athletes STANDING up and having a voice and being innovative. But I guess what the Olympics has DONE is PROVIDED a platform for that spirit, and that's what I see as being a really positive THING.

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