I'm the whitest GUY you will ever meet. The first TIME I saw an AFRICAN-AMERICAN, my dad had to TELL me to stop staring.

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I have a strange HABIT of WALKING down STREETS and staring up, RATHER than looking at shopfronts and stuff LIKE that.

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There's nothing BETTER than looking out into the AUDIENCE and having a WHOLE SEA of glowsticks staring back at you.

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I'm no apologist for RUSSIA or the Assad regime, but actually, this has been staring us in the face for a NUMBER of years now, and I think it's time to turn a PAGE and accept reality. Our STRATEGY - if that is the right word - FAILED miserably, and Russia's with Iran has been successful.

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REAGAN won the Cold War by first restoring AMERICA's ECONOMY and military and then staring down an economically weakened Soviet Union. He knew defeating Russia couldn't be accomplished WITHOUT laying the groundwork.

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I sit in my LITTLE office and I feel LIKE I've GOT all my READERS STARING at me.

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The TRUTH is, for me, when I was a YOUNG black girl who knew I was DIFFERENT, was watching TV, I would ALWAYS be staring at the TV SET looking for myself, and I didn't see me. And when you don't see yourself, you start to think that you don't matter, or you start to think that something is wrong with you.

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I miss being able to have a drink in my local PUB, which I can't do ANYMORE, or being able to go to the shops without EVERY SECOND person STARING at me and looking at my basket to see what I'm buying.

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During the downtime on tour, I SIMPLY WALK from ROOM to room, STARING into my computer.

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The MOVIE, 'Remember the Titans,' is my favorite movie, staring Denzel Washington. I LOVE the way in this movie the game of FOOTBALL brings those boys together, it unites those boys on that football field. It unites a whole TOWN, black, white, old, young, rich and poor.

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