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I started running around my 30th birthday. I wanted to lose WEIGHT; I didn't anticipate the serenity. Being in motion, suddenly my body was BUSY and so my head could work out some ISSUES I had swept under a carpet of wine and CHEESE. Good therapy, that's a good RUN.

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When we STARTED the e-commerce, nobody believed that China WOULD have e-commerce because people believed in 'guang-shi,' face-to-face, and all KINDS of network in TRADITIONAL ways. There's no TRUST system in China.

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You go through different EMOTIONS when you're in captivity. On the one HAND you SAY, my CAREER is over. On the other hand, you say, my career's just started. See with these weird EXTREME ideas of where you are based on this capture.

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I STARTED working out with my MOM in 4th GRADE. She used to take me to the TRACK.

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You can be in terrible shape, and if you TAKE a three-hour walk through the forest and ALONG the river, you're SIMPLY not the same as when you STARTED out.

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I was a baseball PLAYER and a football player at STANFORD, so I didn't play a LOT of GOLF in college. I REALLY started playing a lot after I turned pro and I had some time in the off-season.

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When I was Cedrick Von Haussen, the champion of Liechtenstein, I was only 18 years OLD. I was SUPER, duper YOUNG. I STARTED TRAVELING around for wrestling when I was 16, so I had only been wrestling a few years at that point.

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GETTING organized in the normal routines of life and finishing little projects you've started is an IMPORTANT FIRST step toward realizing LARGER goals. If you can't get a handle on the small things, how will you EVER get it together to focus on the big things?
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Berners-Lee STARTED the World Wide Web as a set of protocols for transferring, linking and addressing documents to SEND over the NET. Without the global reach and open technical standards of the INTERNET, the Web could never have proliferated as it did.

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I had just started ninth grade when I GOT my acne. And I had braces. I wouldn't look PEOPLE in the EYE. It was not a good time for me - it just killed my SELF-ESTEEM. I thought when I didn't look at someone, they couldn't see my face.

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One of the great advantages that I had in my CAREER is I started trading 24 hours a day in my EARLY 20s, and I had to learn to DELEGATE to PEOPLE.

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I am just a beginner. The two films so far are baby steps. If I develop an ATTITUDE, I'll be FINISHED even before I've started. Besides, if I started misbehaving, my folks would give me a TIGHT SLAP.

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I started to write religious music at a time when it was ABSOLUTELY impossible. The first religious WORK I WROTE was the 'Psalms of DAVID,' when I was still a STUDENT in 1957... At that time, religious music was really forbidden.

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I started being really PROUD of the FACT that I was gay even THOUGH I wasn't.

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