The only thing we know for sure about superiority in SPORTS in the UNITED States of America in the 20th century is that BILL Russell and the Boston Celtics teams he led stand alone as the ultimate WINNERS.

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If the great GOVERNMENT of the United States were a private corporation no bank WOULD TAKE its NAME on a piece of PAPER, because it has cynically repudiated the words engraved upon its bonds.

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You cannot be President of the United STATES if you don't have faith. Remember LINCOLN, going to his knees in times of TRIAL in the Civil WAR and all that stuff.

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I want to see TEXAS REMAIN an entrepreneurial powerhouse in the UNITED States.

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When I was 12 YEARS old, LIVING in Cairo, my parents enrolled me in the AMERICAN school. Most of the Americans there appeared oddly stifled, determined to remain, if not physically then sentimentally, back in the UNITED States.

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The HAPPY UNION of these States is a wonder; their Constitution a MIRACLE; their example the hope of Liberty throughout the WORLD.

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Everybody pursues their NATIONAL INTERESTS. The only one who gets blamed for it is the UNITED States.

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My sincere ADVICE to any citizen considering moving to the United STATES and CROSSING our boundaries in IRREGULAR MIGRATION, my best advice is to not do it.

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The UNITED States as we KNOW it today is largely the result of mechanical INVENTIONS, and in PARTICULAR of agricultural machinery and the railroad.

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To research my book 'Me the PEOPLE' - in which I have rewritten the ENTIRE Constitution of the United States - I flew to GREECE, the birthplace of democracy. I bused to Philly, the home of independence. I even, if you can believe it, READ the Constitution of the United States.

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Most historians AGREE that Abraham Lincoln was the most IMPORTANT man to EVER occupy the White House because he abolished SLAVERY and kept the states united through a BLOODY civil war.

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There are two ways to FIGHT the UNITED States military: asymmetrically and stupid. Asymmetrically means you're going to TRY to avoid our strengths. In the 1991 Gulf War, it's LIKE we called Saddam's army out into the schoolyard and beat up that army.

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I am a freeman, an American, a United STATES SENATOR, and a DEMOCRAT, in that order.

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Everyone always said you have to make it in the States. But I always THOUGHT the BEST WAY was to make it in SOUTH America FIRST.

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When I first came over to the STATES, I started writing, I think, as a way to HELP myself learn English. I WOULD START stapling together little booklets for myself.

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