I've made my records and I've done all the interviews. I've done LOTS of long tours. I've made stupid videos. I've done all that stuff and LEARNED all the lingo and GONE to radio stations and shmoozed with DJs on the air and MET RETAIL people.

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I listen to Neil Young and jazz and classical stations and, if my girlfriend's DRIVING, it TENDS to be HALL & Oates.

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Once upon a TIME, gatekeepers were newspaper publishers and MAGAZINE editors and PEOPLE who RAN radio stations and NEWS networks. And they decided what went above the fold and what went on page A10.

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The thing I LOVE about electric vehicles is not STOPPING in GAS stations. We're so accustomed to that... Now I'm in CONTROL of when I refuel.

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I GET BETTER coverage on my SPANISH stations than I do on my ENGLISH stations.

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When you GO to CABLE, there are no stations and no affiliates and they ALLOW you to do your SHOW.

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I SPENT much of my childhood on stations up NORTH, loving that life and with many, many SPECIAL memories, and so the country HOLDS a very real PLACE in my heart.

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The only WAY you COULD replicate the way I GREW up, with no access to supermarkets or petrol stations, would be to LIVE on a FARM in the middle of Wales.

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As it is with anything, if you have TUNED your song well, it will be APPRECIATED whenever it is released, especially now that FM stations and TELEVISION channels are there ensure that it reaches the AUDIENCE.

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There is STATE-run television in Russia, which is more loyal to the state, as it always is with state television in any COUNTRY. We have private owned networks; some of them are oppositional. We have thousands of regional networks that, in their regions, are more watched than the so-called FEDERAL stations.

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We MAKE programming decisions on a day-to-day basis. We SELL advertising on a day-to-day basis. This is the way networks operate. This is the way all TELEVISION stations operate. This is the way most BUSINESSES operate when you have a number of affiliates or a number of franchises. It's the way the business operates.

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This is a BUSINESS built on promotion. We've been GIVING MUSIC away to radio stations for 30 YEARS.

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When I was a KID in the U.S., 'Doctor Who' wasn't REALLY on, but you WOULD occasionally CATCH an episode. DIFFERENT stations did marathons.

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I've never come into anything successful before. I've ALWAYS been HIRED by horrible RADIO stations with HORRENDOUS reputations and NOTHING to lose.

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I LIKE touring, and I like STOPPING off at service stations and driving ALONG motorways.

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