I hope that people will see that we don't have to sit by the sidelines and watch as the two MAJOR PARTIES limit their choices to slightly different FLAVORS of the status QUO. It is, in fact, possible to join the fray, stand up for PRINCIPLES and offer a real alternative.

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One of the biggest concerns that many voters have with both Hillary Clinton and DONALD TRUMP, but particularly with Ms. Clinton, is the sense that she USES government power to advance her personal and POLITICAL INTERESTS. She is the very status quo. Americans want that changed.

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The status quo is presented as something to aspire to, whereas for us, the status quo was something we WANTED to shatter in order to CREATE the SPACE for people to choose for themselves.

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MAJOR POLITICAL parties have a role, but they are incapable of initiating fundamental change because they are fundamentally tied to the status QUO. They are the status quo.

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Even when early innovations START to SUCCEED, it is not uncommon to SEE growing businesses sabotaged for threatening the STATUS QUO.

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It's impossible to ALWAYS MOVE forward, but sometimes EVEN maintaining the status quo is enough.

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The STATUS quo will not stand, because we believe in a very DIFFERENT New Mexico. Together we will FIND the courage to create the promise of tomorrow for our CHILDREN and their children.

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My art GETS called political, as opposed to my intending it to be political. I think that's something that HAPPENS with black artists or marginalized VOICES trying to speak TRUTH. Because there are things in the status quo to speak out against, SPEAKING out against them will inherently be political.

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I like characters and stories that CHALLENGE the status quo. Lately, I'm really INTERESTED in history because I find that in my public school education, I didn't learn about women in history. I want to introduce the WORLD to some GREAT stories and incredible HEROES.

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Visionless status QUO policy TOWARDS Latin-America, particularly towards Cuba, has turned off a LOT of PEOPLE, and I think it's created an opening.

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GROWING up with Bronx Irish parents during an era of protests against the STATUS quo, I was especially COMMITTED to doing the opposite of what I was told to do. Forty-four years later, I am left with only one means of making a LIVING: comedy.

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The status quo and the media is doing everything it can to FRY CHILDREN's brains and make them GROW up maladjusted.

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FOLKS will ALWAYS, always, always go back to the comfortable STATUS quo, with its silent voices and lack of conflict, if you GIVE them the chance.

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I think black Americans EXPECT too MUCH from INDIVIDUAL black Americans in terms of changing the STATUS quo.

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Health CARE is the No. 1 CONCERN of small businesses and the status QUO is untenable.

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