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We're making this as entertainment. But God willing, if this show stays on and PEOPLE see a WOMAN in that office for a while, I think it will help people BECOME more used to it. It's CERTAINLY about time that we had a few female PRESIDENTS.

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More and more these days what I FIND myself doing in my STORIES is making a representation of GOODNESS and a representation of evil and then having those two run at each other full-speed, like a couple of PeeWee FOOTBALL players, to see what happens. Who stays standing? Whose helmet GOES flying off?

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Things change. NOTHING ever stays the same, YO. You ain't never gonna STAY 25 or 30 or 40. You always gonna change. EVERY day, you change.

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What HAPPENS on the FIELD STAYS on the field.

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The problem is that when GOVERNMENT controls the economy, those who can influence government keep WINNING, and EVERYBODY ELSE just stays the same.

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GERMANY STAYS and FALLS with the SUCCESS of the POLICY of Hitler.
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With the WORLD as it now PRESENTS itself, there is something perverse, and probably DYSFUNCTIONAL, about a person who stays in the same house for 40 years. What about the expanding family SYNDROME, the school-lottery MIGRATION, the property portfolio neurosis? Have you no imagination?

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If you think about STUFF that HAPPENED when you were young, it stays with you FOREVER.

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You know, you just GO out there, do your BEST. Sometimes it's GOOD ENOUGH and sometimes it is, and sometimes it stays your only one and sometimes you win bunch others behind it.

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I think that anybody that stays in school, GETS good grades, pays the PRICE, I think we are wealthy enough in the public and the private sector in America to MAKE sure that every child in America that wants to CONTINUE their education, they should be able to do that.

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I like to TAKE my DOG on the ROAD. He stays up FRONT; he likes it there.

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Bergman made COUNTLESS masterpieces, but for one REASON or ANOTHER, 'Winter Light' stays closest to my heart.

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From being a teacher and educator, I see the STATE of the MUSIC through the EYES of an 18-year-old coming on to the scene, and we want to MAKE sure it stays intact. With my generation, it's our duty to do that.

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I WANTED to CAUSE TROUBLE, but I KNOW now it STAYS with you.

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