I would LIKE to be out there every day and be that one STEADY GUY that EVERYBODY can lean on.

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It's always appealed to me do to SOMETHING that is whatever 'steady' means in this business. That's what I've KIND of searched for, because, having a FAMILY, it's the best situation.

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EVERY MOVEMENT, to stay alive - a very difficult thing to do historically - has to find a WAY to harness that initial surge of emotion and turn it to the hard, STEADY, un-sexy WORK of recruiting new members, strategizing, negotiating with those in power, keeping itself going.
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Well, you would have to SAY what is the criteria to determine the success of any merger? It would have to be that the companies are stronger financially, that they took MARKET SHARE, and they are on a very steady footing in terms of their performance.

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There are going to be UPS and DOWNS, but you have to have a steady MINDSET, regardless of the situation you're in.

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The great thing about being on a TELEVISION SHOW is that it usually provides you with fairly STEADY income so you can go and do THINGS.

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As a general RULE, governments are WISE to AVOID taxation that is VOLUNTARY, as they need a STEADY stream of income.

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It's important as a team that you don't GET too EXCITED with a win and you don't get too disappointed with a LOSS. You have to stay very steady, very focused on that MIDDLE ground.

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I don't think I KNOW anyone who has a STEADY JOB in MONTREAL.

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It's PRETTY RARE in JAZZ to have a full-on STEADY BAND.

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If our POLITICAL leaders are to be always a lot of political merchants, they will supply any DEMAND we may CREATE. All we have to do is to establish a STEADY demand for good government.

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TOY time is holding STEADY, but kids are SPENDING more time on digital, and TOYS need to adapt.
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Even when I'm in a really GREAT, STEADY and STABLE place... I'm clinically BIPOLAR, so that always EXISTS - a darkness always exists.

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I've always been steady on and off keeping diaries and journals. I try to document EVERYTHING so I can REMEMBER it the older I GET.

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