I contend that there really are no more con MEN. There's no need for con men anymore. There's no need for the very sophisticated, suave guy, the well-dressed guy. Today, you steal with the computer from THOUSANDS of miles AWAY - from China, from Libya, from Hong Kong. Your VICTIM's NEVER going to see you, so there's no need to be any of that.

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All my COUSINS steal THINGS. They're just a bunch of thieves. My whole FAMILY is like that. You PUT something down for a second, and they steal it. You NEVER see it again.

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I'm always LOOKING to top the last match, I'm always looking to ENTERTAIN the fans and steal the SHOW.

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Music isn't selling like it USED to, but the one THING you can't steal or download is a live show EXPERIENCE or a T-shirt.

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My career before I was main event I was ALWAYS TRYING to STEAL the show and I feel I have a style that can be endearing to the boxing public. It's a style that allows me to box how I WANT to box.

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When I was a KID, EVERY STREET had a BAND, and we'd steal MEMBERS from each other.

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To be successful in WWE, you have to LOVE what you do. You have to want to steal the show every TIME you GO out.

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A street CRIMINAL can steal only what he can carry, but with a stroke of a PEN, the dialing of a telephone or the PUSHING of a COMPUTER key, the white collar criminal can and does steal billions.

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I think EVERYONE needs to know that I steal biscotti on Delta AIRLINES. PEOPLE need to know that.

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What I LIKED was to SET the tone - set the pace for the TEAM. I know when we're starting the game, I can get on and steal a BASE, then a guy bring me in. Then we're in the lead and in a GOOD position to win. That was the most exciting thing - to help the team.

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No legislation is going to stop a CRIMINAL from getting a GUN, and anybody who says it will is wrong. Criminals will get a gun no matter what they have to do. They'll steal it. They'll BORROW it. They'll have someone ELSE buy it for them.

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It doesn't matter if you have a six-minute match on 'Superstars,' go out and steal the SHOW. Go have a great, SOLID match. Somebody's GOING to SAY, 'Who cares about 'Superstars?' Nobody watches it. And it's only six minutes.' That's the wrong ATTITUDE. That's a loser's attitude, and that's what I've told dozens of talents.

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