Where the senses fail US, REASON MUST STEP in.

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The DIFFERENCE between a HERO and a COWARD is one STEP sideways.

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Getting rid of the dictator is only a FIRST STEP in establishing a free SOCIETY. The DICTATORSHIP must also be disassembled.

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You cannot STEP into the same RIVER TWICE.

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There's power in naming yourself, in proclaiming to the world that this is who you are. Wielding this power is OFTEN a difficult step for MANY TRANSGENDER people because it's ALSO a very visible one.

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I THINK that it's when we step out of the road, step outside the BOX, become our own person, and we walk fearlessly down paths other PEOPLE wouldn't LOOK at, that true progress comes. And SOMETIMES true beauty as well.

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Leadership is INSPIRING EXTRAORDINARY PEOPLE to STEP up and serve their country.

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It's FUNNY: I did 'Step BROTHERS' the same SUMMER I did 'Revolutionary ROAD,' which are completely DIFFERENT.

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The first step is clearly defining what it is you're after, because without KNOWING that, you'll NEVER GET it.

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I tell young PEOPLE - including my granddaughter - there is no shortcut in life. You have to TAKE it one step at a time and work HARD. And you have to give BACK.

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I've ALWAYS LOOKED for the perfect life to step into. I've taken all the paths to get where I WANTED. But no MATTER where I go, I still come home.

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