I WOULD MISS the action if I EVER stepped AWAY from wrestling.

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The year 2014 was a BIG year for my TASTE buds. They really stepped up their GAME. Like, I got into red wine, COFFEE and sushi for the first time. Well done, George.

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I heard the Beatles and the STONES, and Mom BOUGHT me an ELECTRIC guitar. I played LEAD for four years and then switched to bass. One day SOMEONE suggested that I should sing, so I sheepishly stepped up to the microphone and the rest is rock history.

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Oust me if you WANT, but if I stepped down, I WOULD be ADMITTING GUILT.

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I had been in the gym TRAINING for many, many years, but I definitely stepped it up when it was time to GET into shape to play 'Lights'. I began TRYING to live the LIFE of a boxer, and that means EVERYTHING that you would expect.

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Not since 2011, when I stepped into the cage and fought Eddie Alvarez for the first TIME and was the EXTREME underdog - I've NEVER quite had that FEELING of a 10 since then.

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If Michelle Obama had stepped out in an outrageously priced jacket by an ITALIAN DESIGNER, heads WOULD have rolled. People would have said it was deplorable.

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I was like any other kid: very normal, I can SAY. I just was a simple kid that came from a humble family and was TAUGHT by my father to be a family MAN and be committed to them. I stepped into boxing following my older BROTHERS.

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I stepped into the martial ARTS movie market when I was only 16. I think I have proved my ABILITY in this field and it won't MAKE sense for me to continue for ANOTHER FIVE or 10 years.

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I stepped into the martial ARTS MOVIE MARKET when I was only 16.

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HELP is even being offered from ACROSS the OCEAN, as over two dozen countries have stepped forward to offer FINANCIAL and material support to the American PEOPLE.
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The WORLD's longest-serving DICTATOR has just stepped down and handed over power. The national project of Cuba, which was Fidel's vision, is now FINISHED. It's SOMETHING - a small something, but STILL something.

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From the age of 15 to 50, I'd hardly stepped out of a kitchen. I just wanted to LIVE a LITTLE, to SPEND TIME with my wife and children. The first time I SAW snow was when I was 50, because I'd never had the time before.

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By the time I was 15 and I stepped in the HIGH SCHOOL GYM, I was just stronger than EVERYBODY.

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The Sixties are most generously described as a TIME when people TOOK part - when they stepped out of themselves and ACTED in public, as people who didn't know what would happen next, but who were sure that acts of true RISK and fear would produce something different from what they had been RAISED to take for granted.

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