What I will not do is CONTINUE to perpetuate STEREOTYPES. I'm the DAUGHTER of a MAID; why do I have to also PLAY a maid? My mom was a maid so I didn't have to be a maid.

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I see it as someone who's been burned doesn't have to be PUT in this BOX where they can't be glamorous - I try and live that vision all the TIME and PUSH those STEREOTYPES away. That's all you can do.

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I'm BIG on being anti-stereotypical and FIGHTING NEGATIVE STEREOTYPES.

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I just wanted to KIND of break down those GENDER stereotypes and just say everyone's equal, everyone's their own PERSON, everyone's their own INDIVIDUAL.

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STEREOTYPES EXIST because there's ALWAYS some TRUTH to stereotypes. Not always, but OFTEN.
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For me, style wasn't something that was a luxury or an OPTION, really: It was a necessity. I knew that there were certain negative STEREOTYPES that I faced because of the way I looked. For me, suits and style BECAME SOCIAL armour.

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I'm working HARD to break free of stereotypes that the film INDUSTRY has created and NURTURED around WOMEN.

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I HATE WHENEVER there's a social issue that comes up in golf and people in the mainstream media who hate golf and who've conjured up all these stereotypes of people who are in the sport, the WAY they tear it down... I resent it, and I'll DEFEND golf and people in golf until my dying day.

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I think the thing that I most appreciate now is that stereotypes involving Jewish IDENTITY activate fears of PERSECUTION that EXIST in the present DAY.

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Star Trek's insight lay in the promise of GOING to the stars together, with well-defined stereotypes who could SUPPLY the EMOTIONAL frame for the potentially jarring TRUTHS of these distant PLACES.

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'Fast Times At Ridgemont HIGH' is one of my favorite movies; it's a film that's a human comedy, it's a DRAMA, and the characters all, in a way, fit the teenage archetypes, but they don't become stereotypes because each of the actors BROUGHT their own presence and their own personality to the SCREEN.

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It seems inevitable, if unfair, that when a WOMAN is vying for a prominent position in office, her outfit choices will be analyzed to a DEGREE considerably higher than those of her male counterpart by simple EXISTENCE of gender STEREOTYPES.

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I grew up seeing so many STEREOTYPES on TV, and I didn't WANT to PLAY that as WELL.

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