Before ANYBODY KNEW who I was, I was just WORKING on what I love and having fun with it, and I'm sticking with that - because, ultimately, that's what PEOPLE WANT to see.

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I'm PRETTY good at sticking to what I KNOW. You don't SEE me SOCIAL commentating on health-care or presidential debates. I TALK about what I know because I'm petrified of being wrong.

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I am an ENTREPRENEUR in the classic mold. No MATTER what I do - outside of sticking my tongue out - I TEND to make money, and QUITE a bit in non-KISS STUFF.

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I don't KNOW where to PUT WHALES. I'm sticking them here, but I don't have any REASON for it.

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I still love MAKING MUSIC. And I still love performing for my FANS. I'd like to thank them for sticking with me through thick and THIN.

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And for some REASON, when I'm sad, I do LISTEN to Leonard Cohen, I do listen to Joni Mitchell. I do find myself going to the music that's actually reflecting my MOOD, as OPPOSED to sticking on Motown, which MIGHT actually bring my mood up.

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I WOULD NEVER use prosthetics. I don't LIKE sticking things on. I don't really like WEARING wigs, either.

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THERAPY is REALLY GOOD, so I'm KIND of sticking with therapy.
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The SECRET to podcast SUCCESS is sticking with it and MAKING it FUN for yourself.

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I don't have any ILLUSIONS that what we are doing is sticking the the bottle. I don't THINK that's what we are doing. We are trying to MAKE sure that the genie has FRIENDS, has food to eat, a WAY to grow.

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This COWARDLY business of INTERNATIONAL NGOs like WWF and so many others from ENGLAND sticking their noses into BRAZIL is going to end!

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I've GOT a vibe GOING on with a lot of what I've been doing, and to completely change it based off of me having a CHILD might be a LITTLE confusing. I'm sure as my life goes forward, and she STARTS growing up, there will be a lot more things to include in my music. But, at this point, I'm just sticking to what I do.

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What I didn't know that by sticking to craft we WOULD BLOW open some doors that I NEVER saw opened before.

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I love TRYING new things but, of COURSE, love sticking to the CLASSIC makeup looks.

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