It's really frustrating when you're an identity-theft VICTIM, and you go to the police and you say, 'This GUY in Florida, he stole my name and GOT a credit card - this is his ADDRESS,' and they say, 'We don't have jurisdiction in Florida. You NEED to go to the FBI.'

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I am the elected president of Liberia, not Ellen Sirleaf. They STOLE my VICTORY, and I am here to say LOUD and clear that I am the WINNER of the ELECTIONS.

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Some stories, my PROPERTY, have been stolen. SOMEONE's appropriated them. It's an illicit act. It's UNFAIR. SUPPOSE you had a coat you liked, and somebody went into your closet and stole it. That's how I FEEL.

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One time I spent more than $40 on groceries, and my BANK THOUGHT SOMEONE STOLE my debit CARD.

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SURE, Maryse is the Divas Champion, but I FIND it no COINCIDENCE that she supposedly GOT 'hurt' the week after she STOLE my title.
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I am one of those people who is not very patient in the MAKEUP chair. I have been OFFERED movies LIKE 'Planet of the Apes' and stuff like 'The Grinch Who STOLE CHRISTMAS' and I turned them down.

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In fact, my SON learned his FIRST SWEAR word from E.T. at age FIVE. The way I look at it, E.T. stole a bit of my son's childhood.

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In the fall of 1963, in Leningrad, in what was then the UNION of SOVIET Socialist Republics, the young POET Dmitry Bobyshev stole the young poet JOSEPH Brodsky's girlfriend.

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I LOVE FINDING TALENTS to pair my MUSIC with such as Conrad on 'Firestone', Parson James with 'Stole the Show,' and Will HEARD on 'Nothing Left.'

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I grew up watching the WILLIAMS sisters. I did a LOT of research on Serena and KIND of stole some THINGS from her.

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It wasn't REALLY me who INVENTED RAP. I STOLE the IDEA from Aristide Bruant.

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I won't LIE, I STOLE a LOT of IDEAS from Giampaolo.

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