EVERYONE could USE instructions on every aspect of cooking: pantry, STORAGE, refrigeration, cooking, what to buy. Everyone that I come into CONTACT with could use HELP.
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Renewables REQUIRE the use of vastly more LAND, longer and less-utilized transmission lines, and large amounts of storage whether from lithium BATTERIES, new dams, compressed air caverns.

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I will CONTINUE to be a voice for Nevadans in the Senate, opposing Yucca Mountain and working to IDENTIFY viable alternatives for long-term repositories in areas that are PROVEN safe and whose communities consent to that storage.

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A saboteur in the house of ART and a comedienne in the house of art theory, Lawler has spent THREE decades documenting the secret life of art. Functioning as a kind of one-woman CSI unit, she has photographed pictures and objects in collectors' homes, in galleries, on the WALLS of auction HOUSES, and off the walls, in MUSEUM storage.

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We did get to keep a few choice items. I KEPT a few pairs of slacks and power suits that stood out. I STILL have a few outstanding pieces from 'Saved by the BELL' simply because they were from 'Saved by the Bell.' They're vaulted in my STORAGE space.

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Look at countries LIKE China, they are determined to dominate all clean technology areas, putting LOTS of money into wind, solar, electric vehicles and BATTERY storage. America's political impotence, caused by their terrible partisanship, will SEE them left behind.

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Whatever you're SELLING, storage or NETWORKING or SECURITY, you're going head to head with the incumbent players.

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Relying exclusively on AIR power has limits: planes are EFFECTIVE against fixed strategic targets, like petroleum storage, bridges, and COMMAND bunkers; but EVEN then, air power rarely succeeds by itself in destroying a regime's ability to command and control its forces.

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'Starcraft' was NEVER designed to support multi-byte languages. In order to support more complicated languages like KOREAN or CHINESE, you need TWO bytes of STORAGE and 'Starcraft' only had one byte.

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